On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 08:32:17AM +0100, Florian Rehnisch wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 11:06:19PM -0800, sinbad wrote:
> > I'm trying to map <space>x in normal mode to do send a command to a pane in 
> > tmux.
> > 
> > sudo tmux send-keys -t "1" C-z "test"
> > 
> > I tried the following. wrote the above command in a test.sh file and made a 
> > mapping as below.
> > 
> > :nnoremap <Space>x 'silent :!./test.sh<C-m>' 
> > 
> > I'm getting the following error.
> > 
> > E20: Mark not set
> > 
> > i think it's due to the following mapping.
> > 
> > n  '           & :call Showmarks() <CR>   
> > 
> > Isn't nnoremap disable recursive mapping ? 
> AFAICS recursive mapping /is/ disabled head. You're getting the error message
> because Vim tries to jump to a mark s when hitting the first tick (') in the
> right-hand side of your mapping. Furthermore, silent is AFAIK a command line
> command, so your colon is misplaced. Untested:
>  :nnoremap <space>x :silent\ !./test.sh<c-m> 
> The backslash is for escaping the space.

Ah, the backslash gives another error (E10).

 :nnoremap <space>x :silent !./test.sh<c-m>

Should do the trick.


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