On 2018-03-29 08:51, tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> I have a textfile with lot of lines.
> These lines have the following format
> <command> a-<name of parameter> <value>
> <command> b-<name of parameter> <value>
> I want to check, whether all paired lines have attached
> the same value.

You can find them with

/^command a-\(\w\+\) \+\(\d\+\) *\ncommand b-\1 \+\2\@!

or you can mark them with

:%s/^command a-\(\w\+\) \+\(\d\+\) *\ncommand b-\1 \+\2\@!/& THIS ONE

or indent them with

:g/^command a-\(\w\+\) \+\(\d\+\) *\ncommand b-\1 \+\2\@!/sil .,+>

These assume that "<name of parameter>" can be found by the regex
"\w\+", so modify accordingly if needed.


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