Could you implement the function and accompanying mapping as follows?

imap <expr> <cr> MyFunction("cr")
imap <expr> <Leader>n MyFunction("Leader-n")

Sorry if this is obvious, if it is impractical for some reason I'm curious

John Passaro
(917) 678-8293

On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 1:18 PM, Christian Brabandt <>

> On Do, 30 Aug 2018, Lifepillar wrote:
> > Is it possible to access the lhs of a mapping from its rhs?
> > For example, given:
> >
> > imap <expr> <cr> MyFunction()
> >
> > is there a way for MyFunction() to know that it was called by <cr>?
> Not that I know of and I have whished for that before.
> Best,
> Christian
> --
> Wenn ein Kolonialwarenhändler in seinem kleinen Laden so viele
> Dummheiten und Fehler machte wie die Staatsmänner und Generäle in
> ihren großen Ländern, wäre er in spätestens vier Wochen bankrott.
>                 -- Erich Kästner
> --
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