
2018/11/12 Mon 17:09:52 UTC+9 Igor Forca wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using latest gVim v8.1.0513 nightly build on Windows 7, both 64-bit.
> I have several Linux machines accessible using ssh. Now I am using local 
> machine's Vim through Putty on every machine. But there are several problems, 
> there are different versions on Vim (some pretty old one) and there are 
> different vim settings, different syntax highlighting etc and there is 
> sometimes even lack of responsiveness and similar. 
> On my Windows I have gVim customized to my wishes.
> From my Windows PC's gVim I would like to access files on remote Linux 
> machines, edit and save. On my PC I have created text file with the following 
> commands:
> let g:netrw_silent = 1
> let g:netrw_scp_cmd = "\"C:\\Programs\\PuTTY\\pscp.exe\" -pw mypassword "
> e scp://myuserid@
> When I open a gVim on Windows I can source that file:
> :source commands.vim
> and file.txt from remote machines is opened, I can edit it and save changes 
> it works perfectly for individual file.
> Now to the problem. I have hundreds of files that I need to edit. So it would 
> be way more convenient to open file explorer for remote file system.
> On my local machine to access my local PC's files I can open file explorer 
> with command: :E
> How to do this for remote machine?
> I looked into commands.vim and changed the last line to:
> e scp://myuserid@
> but I get the error:
> **error** (netrw) your g:netrw_list_cmd is empty; perhaps ssh is not 
> executable on your system

So, did you set g:netrw_list_cmd?
If not try setting it.
E.g. https://stackoverflow.com/a/8996320
> let g:netrw_list_cmd = "plink.exe -P ##### -pw MyPass u...@host.com ls -Fa "

Ken Takata

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