I want to execute a batch file and display the output on a new buffer. I know I 
can use !start for this, but I can't figure out how to make it reuse the same 
command-line instead of starting a new one every time.

I managed to get close by using :terminal instead with send_keys(), checking if 
the terminal buffer still exists and only starting a new one when it doesn't. 
The problem with this is that what I get is an interactive shell, so I have to 
switch to Terminal-Normal mode to be able to navigate the contents of the 
buffer otherwise cmd steals focus from vim and doesn't let me move around. Also 
the prompt itself is part of the output, which is annoying.

Here's the code:

fun! MatchAnyInList(list, value)
    return index(map(a:list, 'v:val =~# "' . a:value . '"'), 1) >= 0

" I have no idea what I'm doing    
fun! RunBuildBatchFile()
    if !exists("g:terminal_bufnum") || MatchAnyInList(['finished', ''], 
        let g:terminal_bufnum = term_start("cmd", {'hidden': 1})
        call term_sendkeys(g:terminal_bufnum, "vcvarsall x64\<CR>")

    if bufwinnr(g:terminal_bufnum) < 0
        execute "botright sb " . g:terminal_bufnum
        call term_setsize(g:terminal_bufnum, 4, 0)

    call term_sendkeys(g:terminal_bufnum, "cls\<CR>")
    call term_sendkeys(g:terminal_bufnum, "C:\\Path\To\Executable\Command.exe")

    if term_getstatus(g:terminal_bufnum)=~# "normal"
        call feedkeys("i")

There's probably a much better way of doing this. I tried looking for 
information about this stuff online and in the docs but I didn't get anywhere. 
Any ideas?

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