On 6 May 2019, at 20:57, 'Andy Wokula' via vim_use <vim_use@googlegroups.com> 
> Am 06.05.2019 um 17:02 schrieb 'Lifepillar' via vim_use:
>> I would like to create a new buffer "in the background", without opening
>> any new window, put some text into the buffer then write it to disk,
>> without ever showing the buffer (the reason why I am not populating
>> a List and use writefile() directly is that I need to perform some text
>> manipulation such as reindenting the text). I thought that something
>> like this would do it:
>>     let n = bufnr('my new buffer', 1)
>>     call setbufline(n, 1, 'hello')
>>     call writefile(getbufline(n, 1, "$"), './foo.txt')
>> but the buffer stays empty and setbufline() returns 1. What should I do
>> instead?
> (pretty sure that) setbufline() refuses to work with an unloaded buffer.

Oh yes, you are right. So, I guess I will have to use :new or similar, then
hide the window.


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