
I use Debian 9 and want to compile vim with clipboard support.  I've
installed xorg-dev package corresponding dependent packages.  But, I
still cannot do the trick:

$ ./configure --enable-cscope \
                    --enable-luainterp \
                    --enable-multibyte \
                    --enable-python3interp \
                    --enable-perlinterp \
                    --enable-rubyinterp \
                    --enable-tclinterp \
                    --enable-gui=auto \
                    --enable-gtk2-check \
                    --enable-gnome-check \
                    --with-x --with-features=huge

I will meet the following error:

checking for X... (cached) no
checking if X11 header files can be found... yes
configure: error: could not configure X

How to solve this problem?

ps.  I use the latest git source to do the job.


Hongsheng Zhao <hongyi.z...@gmail.com>
Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences
GnuPG DSA: 0xD108493

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