hi, I use colemak keyboard layout, and put many mappings in my vimrc to 
simulate vim finger movements on the original querty layout. it mostly 
works fine but there are some mappings don't work up to expectation and I 
am trying to understand why. for example, if I have these mappings

noremap u inoremap r p

I expect pressing vur to select current paragraph since that should be 
mapped to vip. in reality, however, I have to press vup to select the 
paragraph. judging from the effect, the u key is correctly translated to i 
for processing, whereas the next r key isn't and I really have to type in a 
plain p key for vim to receive a functional sequence. this is pretty 
inconsistent and confusing and I have to remember the key after v is 
subject to my mappings, and the next one isn't.

what makes to two mapped keys behave differently? as far as I can tell, 
they should all be available under nvo modes. thanks.

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