On 2019-12-15, Igor <igo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In Vim 8.2 I have two information in my status line:
> - full path to my current opened file
> - full path to current working directory
> I have set the following commands:
> set laststatus=2                              " always display status line
> set statusline=Opened_file:                   " label
> set statusline+=%{resolve(expand('%:p'))}     " display full file path of
> opened file
> set statusline+=\ \                           " two spaces
> set statusline+=Current_working_directory:    " label
> set statusline+=%{getcwd()}\ \                " display current working
> directory
> Sample status line:
> Opened_file:/home/myname/myfile.txt  Current_working_directory:/home/myname
> What I would like to do is, to display current_working_directory only if it
> is different then opened file.
> In above example I would like to have status line (without second part;
> from above cmd list without last three cmd's):
> Opened_file:/home/myname/myfile.txt
> But if my current working directory is /opt, then I would like to have
> displayed
> both information:
> Opened_file:/home/myname/myfile.txt  Current_working_directory:/opt

I'd do it as follows:

    fun! MyStatusLine()
      return    "Opened_file: %{resolve(expand('%:p'))}"
            \ . "%{getcwd() == resolve(expand('%:p:h'))"
            \ . "? ''"
            \ . ": '  Current_working_directory:'.getcwd()}"

    set statusline=%!MyStatusLine()

When a status line's definition becomes a tad complicated, I prefer to
use a function.

Hope this helps,

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