
Graham Lawrence schrieb am 19.07.2020 um 22:07:
> :h v:count includes the following example
> |
> map _x :<C-U>echo "the count is ".v:count<CR>
> |
> which works as expected, but using
> |
> map :let @n=v:count1<cr>...
> |
did you really leave out the left-hand-side of the mapping in your .vimrc or is 
this just a typo in your mail?

> produces E492 etc; and instead I must use
> |
> map ;;:<C-U>exe 'let @n=v:count1'<cr>...
> |
> for it to work.
> Now I have a number of mappings in alternate .vimrc files that use the 'let' 
> form that now fails, which strongly implies that at one time that method of 
> saving v:count did work.
> So is this a recent development? Or have I unwittingly set something in 
> .vimrc that invalidates 'let'? Or is it a vim error that is likely to be 
> corrected by reverting to the old form? Or ...?


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