On 2021-04-17 06:30, Julius Hamilton wrote:
> Would you mind providing a simple outline of a function which would
> terminate on some basic condition, such as, the next line is a blank
> newline? I will read those docs.

The first step is for you to clarify your criteria. Then :help
:function, :help if, and so on, to turn your intentions into code. Or
you may not need code as such in your function. :help / tells you how to
do searches based on all sorts of criteria, and any Vim command can be
included in a function.

> I use Vim in Termux, an Android terminal emulator app. I don't know if I
> have buttons such as F9. I will investigate it. However, is there a way
> to check what non-F keys are free to be mapped to something? Thanks very
> much.

:help :map

I would suggest you not set a goal of reading all the help documents; I
believe even experienced Vim users could find that overwhelming. (I know
I would.) A much more reasonable goal is to read appropriate _portions_
that answer your questions. And when you're reading something for which
you have immediate use, you're much more likely to retain what you read.

There is also Google, of course. Just a day or two ago I couldn't think
what term to query via :help, so I googled my query and got an answer

Stan Brown
Tehachapi, CA, USA

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