Greetings I am learning Vim (Windows 10) It is of no use to me unless I can 
effortlessly edit multiple files w/o a mouse I learned of tabs but am 
surprised I can see no way to select any tab of my choice I assumed each 
tab would be identified w/ a number so one can merely type something like 
":gototab3" let's say to edit the tab so labeled But when I enter 
":tabedit" multiple times all I see is each tab labeled "[ No Name ]" w/ no 
further distinguishing mark upon it I do not wish to step through a series 
of tabs to reach my intended destination I prefer random access not 
sequential Furthermore one horizontal line of text of course offers finite 
space I saw no mention in the Help file as to how Vim responds to the 
situation of more tabs created than will fit Of course upon experimentation 
I observed the result The Help file offers no guidance of course as to how 
to scroll the list of tabs in such an instance Furthermore I do not see why 
Vim does not offer filename completion when entering a file name for 
editing and provide the ability to scroll up/down the list of file and 
directory names relative to the current directory or relative to the 
directory entered Furthermore Upon merely starting Vim and resizing the 
console window it crashes  - Cheerio

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