On Sun, Jul 10, 2022 at 08:22:33PM +0300, M wrote:
> вс, 10 июл. 2022 г. в 15:46, Anton Sharonov <anton.sharo...@gmail.com>:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I am trying to always highlight non-breakable spaces in all my
> > buffers, regardless of the filetype.

> > PS: By the way, even ":set list" do not show them so those NS are
> > really nasty if you don't expect them )))
> Recent Vim has support for NBSP. like `:set list listchars=nbsp:?`

Hi Matvey,

Ah, that's nice! How could I forgot that everything can be
configured in Vim ))). Decided to go with "white square" instead
of plane "?" in my vimrc:

" show non-breakable spaces with white square (UTF16 0x25a1) when ":set list"
exec "set listchars=nbsp:\u25a1"


> Regards,
> Matvey
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