Thanks Gary, nice workaround! Just "y" is enough because I have "set
clipboard=unnamed" which copies to a clipboard by "y".
Mouse selection works although keyboard one has some problems. Keyboard
selection might be also adjusted in a similar way but it is not so
important for me.

Stan: "*y works but i'd like to copy to the clipboard only by selection.


On Sun, 24 Jul 2022 at 17:21, Stan Brown <> wrote:

> On 2022-07-24 01:40, Igor Spiridonov wrote:
> > I would like for example to have "Visual selection automatically copied
> > to the clipboard." in windows as it is described here -
> >
> > <>.
> > Console vim cannot provide it because it works only when gui is enabled.
> Does "*y not work for you? It does for me, when running vim (not gvim)
> in a command window in Windows 10. (I have actually mapped ^C
> (control+C) to "*y so that Ctrl+C behaves the same in Windows GUI
> applications and in command-prompt Vim.)
> My Vim is 7.4, but Id be awfully surprised if that stopped working in
> later versions.
> Stan Brown
> Tehachapi, CA, USA
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