The issue is with windows gvim 9.0.133
I have tried the same in fedora36 vim 9.0.161 and it doesn't have this.

воскресенье, 7 августа 2022 г. в 18:49:03 UTC+3, Maxim Kim: 

> It looks like it happens on cursorhold event, not 100% sure though. 
> Indeed, if I change `set updatetime=1000` then I get this every second:
> vim9script
> def Test()
>     var prompt: string = ''
>     const wid: number = popup_create('', {
>         minwidth: 20,
>         maxheight: 1,
>         mapping: false,
>         filter: (winid: number, key: string): bool => {
>             if key == "\<esc>"
>                 popup_close(winid, -1)
>             else
>                 prompt ..= key
>                 popup_settext(winid, prompt)
>             else
>                 return false
>             endif
>             return true
>         },
>         callback: (_: number, result: number) => {
>             if result == 0
>                 echomsg prompt
>             endif
>         }
>     })
> enddef
> Test()

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