On Fri, 9 Sept 2022 at 12:06, A. S. Budden <abud...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 8 Sept 2022, 19:29 Gary Johnson, <garyj...@spocom.com> wrote:
>> On 2022-09-08, David Lowry-Duda wrote:So if I run Windows gvim from a
>> cygwin terminal it starts quickly but if I run it from a windows command
>> prompt or from windows explorer, it takes ages. I've tried this lots of
>> times & it seems to be repeatable (I even created 10 instances of gvim in a
>> loop and they all appeared straightaway).
> I tried removing the HOME environment variable from cygwin (it's not set
> to anything in the Windows system, whereas it's set to /home/al in cygwin)
> and ran the command again from the cygwin terminal and it took a long time
> to start. I reset HOME to /home/al and it still took a long time to start!
> Opening a new cygwin terminal resulted in a quick start again. This is
> really weird!

I repeated this test on the other work PC and got exactly the same
results.   I also tested it on my home PC and, while the startup time is
much faster from the command prompt than on my work PCs, even on the home
PC gvim starts quicker from a cygwin prompt than from a Windows command


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