Indeed it works !!
Thanks a lot.

El lun, 13 mar 2023 a las 14:06, Christian Brabandt
(<>) escribió:
> On Mo, 13 Mär 2023, Jose Caballero wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have this function [*].
> > It is meant to create a line when opening a new file with extension
> > .pan, where that line is based on the path of the file.
> > That code works on my personal computer, with VIM 9.0.1023
> > However, it fails on the computer at work where it has to run, with VIM 
> > 7.4.629
> > I get this error [**].
> >
> > Is there an easy way to make it work with version 7.4?
> >
> > Thanks a lot in advance.
> > Cheers,
> > Jose
> >
> >
> > [*]
> > function! CreatePanFile()
> >   let path = expand('%:p:h')
> >   let file = expand('%:t:r')
> >   let features_idx = match(path, 'features')
> >   if features_idx != -1
> >     let features_path = substitute(path[features_idx:],
> > '\v(features\/.*)$', '\1', '')
> >     let line = "template '" . features_path . "/" . file . "';"
> >     call setline(1, line)
> >   endif
> > endfunction
> > autocmd BufNewFile *.pan call CreatePanFile()
> >
> > [**]
> > Error detected while processing function CreatePanFile:
> > line 5: E121: Undefined variable: features_idx:
> > E116: Invalid arguments for function substitute(path[features_idx:],
> > '\v(features\/.*)$', '\1', '')
> > E15: Invalid expression: substitute(path[features_idx:],
> > '\v(features\/.*)$', '\1', '')
> > line 6: E121: Undefined variable: features_path
> > E15: Invalid expression: "template '" . features_path . "/" . file . "';"
> > line 7: E121: Undefined variable:
> > line E116: Invalid arguments for function setline
> looks like Vim thinks the ':' belongs to the variable name.
> I think it should work, if you add parenthesis around it like this:
> #v+
>  substitute(path[(features_idx):],'\v(features\/.*)$', '\1', '')
> #v-
> Best,
> Christian
> --
> Verdoppeln sie den Platz auf Ihrer Festplatte: Löschen sie Windows!
> --
> --
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