> Legacy Vim script:
>     let text = 'àbc'
>     echo text[2]
> Result: 'b'
> Vim 9 script:
>     const text = 'àbc'
>     echo text[2]
> Result: 'c'
> Is the different behavior (counting chars vs bytes?) intentional?

Yes, in Vim9 script the index is in characters.  In legacy script it is
in bytes.

The help for this doesn't have it's own tag, I'll add one.
You can find it above ":help vim9-gotchas".

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
101. U can read htis w/o ny porblm and cant figur eout Y its evn listd.

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 \\\            help me help AIDS victims -- http://ICCF-Holland.org    ///

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