I've been away.

I was having trouble w/ the console version of vim 9 in windows terminal 
and cmd.exe as well as take command.

I also posted on the forum for JPSoft's take command.

I got a response there that was helpful.  Interesting, none of the 
responses here were helpful.

I learned there that vim is known to dislike non-standard terminal sizes.  

So I made the terminal windows smaller and it started to work.

I'm following up w/ my last post, to say that it's been fixed by making the 
terminal window size smaller.  This fixed the same issue whether it was 
cmd.exe, windows terminal, or TakeCommand.

I was having trouble in ALL of the windows terminal programs.  The same 
solution worked for all of them.

--rob solomon

On Monday, June 5, 2023 at 2:22:14 AM UTC-4 Christian Brabandt wrote:

> On Sa, 03 Jun 2023, Robert Solomon wrote:
> > My point is different. It's isn't working correctly on ANY of them.
> That is hardly correct. I haven't heard from many complaints about using 
> Vim terminal in neither Windows nor Linux.
> > see https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues?q=vim+in%3Atitle+
> I guess, if those were Vim issues, they would have been reported (or at 
> least linked) to Vims issues. So that doesn't necessarily prove 
> anything.
> Best,
> Christian
> -- 
> Wir sollten Teile von Behörden für ein Jahr schließen und hinterher
> fragen, ob es irgend jemand gemerkt hat.
> -- Helmuth Frahm

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