On Sa, 14 Okt 2023, Lifepillar wrote:

> On 2023-10-14, Christian Brabandt <cbli...@256bit.org> wrote:
> >
> > On Sa, 14 Okt 2023, Lifepillar wrote:
> >
> >> I am not able to upload new scripts to www.vim.org. The "type" drop-down
> >> is empty and there is no "upload/submit" button or similar. Is that
> >> intentional?
> >
> > of course not :) Sorry should be fixed now.
> Thanks, the page now look fine, but after pressing "upload",
> add_script.php send me to an empty page and the plugin is not uploaded.

Ah okay, I did not try to upload a new script. This also should work 

"You've got to have a gimmick if your band sucks."
                -- Gary Giddens

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