On May 19, 10:12 am, Cyrus Griffin <callmemrp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I remember my dad got his first Mac when I was four... He got a used
> Performa 550, if I remember correctly. ('93, all in one, 33Mhz '030)
> Wow that must've been '95 that we got it? Crazy. Before that we had an
> Atari 800. The Atari still works, too.
> Man we had so much fun with that Performa! It had a microphone, and we
> recorded a ton of stuff on it. I think we had System 7.5.5 on it....
> Good times, good times. :) The screen went out eventually. :(
> (I'm guessing this is the old Mac reminiscing thread?)
> Cyrus Griffin
> --------------------
> Hobbittech.com Mac Specialist - Low Cost Mac Services in AZ
> On May 19, 2009, at 6:00 AM, Christian Wacker wrote:
> > you are bringing back memories of my 4th-8th grade expierence... all
> > the wayyy back in 2001
> > On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 11:52 PM, Doug <xenis...@telus.net> wrote:
> >> I remember back before the Mac Plus. I taught at a high school
> >> where they
> >> had several Apple IIE’s that they would lend out on weekends and
> >> they also
> >> had a couple of Apple II C’s, a “portable” machine that I actually
> >> used to
> >> write a novella on. It worked out to 250 one sided pages that I
> >> printed out
> >> on a daisy wheel printer that was hooked to an Apple III at school.
> >> Interesting times they were.
> >> Doug

I go back even further.  When I started college my major was computer
science.  Computer science majors used the mainframe and nonmajors
used Apple II.   That was in the early 80s.  I also remember when the
girlfriend of one of my frat brothers got the first Mac and kept it at
our house.  I guess that is when I got hooked on Apple/Macs.  I got my
first one in 93, it was an LCII.

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