DebB wrote:
> Hi all, thanks for having me in your group! I have a few old SE's at
> home and one of them has an issue with floppy disks. When I insert a
> HD floppy (even a system disk from apple) I get the "this disk is
> unreadable" dialogue. I have attached an external floppy drive but get
> the same message. Now I am not sure what type of external floppy drive
> I have - I have 3 of them, 2 with no eject button and one with the
> eject button and the lined grooves on the case. I suspect they may
> only be DD not HD drives.... is that the case? Or is there some kind
> of system extension that may be missing?
> Perhaps the floppy drive in this machine is gone. Is there a chance of
> replacing it from another dead machine, and if so, are there
> instructions online somewhere?

The SEs you have, are they SE/30s or SEs.  These are two distinct 
machines.  All SE/30s have SuperDrives (1.44MB floppy drives) but SEs 
have either a SuperDrive or an 800K drive (or in some cases two).

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"

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