robject wrote:
> Got the binaries from Apple, 20 1.4M files. Copied them all to the
> hard disk of the Performa 630. The first is the .smi but double-
> clicking results in a -39 error.

> These are all .bin files except the first one, which is a .sea.bin

That *should* be .smi.bin

> Could the files be corrupt? Is anyone able to confirm that
> using these files works for them?

Yep, works for me. And Disc Copy validated the files as OK.

Actually there are 19 files, not all of them the full 1.4MB. All have
a .bin (MacBinary) suffix to protect the Mac resource fork.

This is a segmented Disk Copy self-mounting image, with the files in
MacBinary format. Stuffit and the ShrinkWrap Engine don't come in to

To keep things simple, get the 19 files on to the Performa with
the .bin suffix still there. Don't try to do anything with them on OS
X, or mess with emulators.

You now need to convert the 19 files from MacBinary to their native
format. My version of Stuffit will do that, but so will many other
utilities - MacBinary isn't a Stuffit format.

The .bin files look like this:


And after conversion they look like this:

System 7.5.3 01of19.smi
System 7.5.3 02of19.part
System 7.5.3 03of19.part

Now, with all 19 converted files in the same folder, you should be
able to double-click on the .smi file and get a mounted disc image on
the desktop. Opening it should show:

Install System Software
System 7.5.3 Install (folder)
  Installation Tome
  Installation Tome 2
  System Morsels
  System Orts

("System Orts" !? WTF are orts?)

Good luck,
Chris Adams.
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