How does licensing work in the Mac world?  I'm more a PC guy (who used Apple
II and Mac-LC era machines back in school days), so my perspective for
comparison comes from there...  In the PC world (at least since the later
Windows 95 days), the PC manufacturer put a label on the PC when it was
built and that is the license for the machine, as well as the ID key to
install it with.  So if you have a PC with a Windows 2000 label, you're
legal to grab a Windows 2000 CD and install it back on the system.

If you get an old Mac with a dead hard drive and no documentation, how do
you know what version of the Mac OS you are legal to use on it?  I'm
assuming all Macs shipped with an OS license of some sort?  In which case
Joel might be legal to use a copy given to him?

Not trying to argue here, just trying to understand how this all works...



-----Original Message-----

    Anyone who makes a copy for Joel will be violating copyright laws.
 Mac O/S 8.1 is still available for sale.

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