>>>> Listen "nanny" don't you have anything better to do like wash behind
>>>> your ears before you have your milk and cookies before your bedtime?
>> In any case, the nanny is a nanny for the reason.  It would logically
>> seem to me that he is here to keep things in check.  Perhaps next
>> time I see a copper directing traffic at an accident I'll pull over
>> and abuse him for doing his job.
> Last night I had a look at this bloke's (Chris Wood) homepage.
> http://cs.hbg.psu.edu/~cjw152/
> Although the pride flag is prominently displayed on the page, he hasn't got
> much to be proud about, on the contrary.
Huh ? Since you brought it up Marten, I had to check too.  It looks to me
like he's just interested in Linux on Macs.  Big Deal.  Is that a reason to
launch a personal attack on the guy on a public list ?

I can't defend him for the childish "milk and cookies" thing, but I don't
see why he deserves this.

> ?!?!?!? Blah!  #@%&%! An agent of Dark Side, and a dangerous one without
> morals that is!

What does any of this have to do with the guy's "morals" or lack thereof ?
He may be a Republican, which is regrettable IMHO, but he's young and maybe
he'll come around.  Changing a server from UNIX to NT was part of his job.
Should he have resigned in protest ?

It looks good on his CV to most people.  How many employers do you know who
want to pay someone a handsome salary to maintain their network of Vintage
Macs ?  ok there might be a few, but you know what I mean...

> On his 'interests' page he states that he 'no longer uses the mac os'.

He still must be interested in and know something about the Mac OS.  The
fact that a guy has stopped using the operating system of a greedy
corporation, who thinks that it's just fine to have its hardware assembled
and packaged by Southeast Asian children working 14 hour days, in favor of
Mr Torvald's little deal is ambitious and ideologically admirable from where
I sit, even though that's probably not why he did it.  It most certainly
does not in and of itself point to moral bankruptcy.

The fact that I don't do so myself has more to do with my inability and lack
of time than with any devotion to Apple Computer's shareholders, who would
swiftly punish the unprofitable appearance of anything resembling "morals"
in Cupertino.

I use the Mac OS because I like it and because I know how to, up to a point.
I belong to this list and a couple of others for enjoyment, learning, and
personal improvement.  The day something easier, better, and free come along
will probably be the day I switch too.  I owe zero allegiance to Apple's
investors.  I simply like the company's product.
>The computer he owns is an old umax with a g3 upgrade running linux. Not a word
> about liking vintage macs.
I gotta believe he likes Vintage Macs or he would not be here.  What
business is it of yours anyway ?  You wouldn't know why I'm here either, if
I hadn't told you.  Are you gonna go look at my home page and blast me too,
if I don't rise to your standard of minimum acceptable Apple devotion ?  How
much of an Apple sicophant must I be to escape your wrath ?

>   Handgun crime in Britain has increased more than 40% since the
>handgun ban of 1997.

I can't help laughing as I visualize Wyatt Earp, Yosemite Sam, and other
caricatures of the ridiculous "armed citizen/good guy" type who supposedly
deters crime, riding around Britain with GW Bush and a possee of Texans,
spurs 'a jinglin, janglin, stamping out crime...

IMHO, the Listmom should seriously consider a new advisory regarding these
controversial sigs. Just a week ago, a large series of inflammatory posts
were made on another list, provoked by one persons religious sig and
another's objection to it.

Nobody would find such a sig appropriate in a diverse workplace and they
don't really seem germaine or appropriate to a diverse Maclist either.  I
enjoy a little controversy myself and don't mind people going a bit off
topic, but I realize that there are others who do not.

Political and religiously provocative sigs are powerful temptations for
people to blast others.  They are easily more powerful than most people's
desire to stay on topic.  If you really want people to stay on topic, then
perhaps banning religious and political sigs would be a productive step in
that direction.  Just a thought. I know I'm not the listmom or owner of this
or any other list.  Sorry for going/being off topic myself.


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