>--- Robert Poland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  >  > Did 6800's exist btw? I do tech support for
>>  state schools, and some have
>>  >>  referred to them often enough for me to wonder
>>  if some special
>>  >>  educational version existed, however they've all
>>  been replaced and seem
>>  >>  to only exist in memory now - been meaning to
>>  ask that, and thought you,
>>  >  > pickle, may have an idea there if anyone would
>>  :D
>>  6800, 6801, 6802 and 6809 DID exist. I built a kit
>>  computer (SWTP) in
>>  the late 70;s that used 6800 and later the 6809. It
>>  came out around
>>  the time the Apple I was released. When I sold it,
>>  it had over 700K
>>  of ram.
>>  The 6800 family was made by Motorola. We
>>  (Engineering Measurements
>>  Co.) sold thousands of traffic controllers using
>>  them.
>>  Clock speed was in the range of 1 to 2 Mhz.
>Did they run software from Traf-O-Data? :)
>(Traf-O-Data 2000 Professional is a pretty good OS. ;-)

No, all software was developed by inhouse programmers.

Bob Poland
Check out my garage sale http://www.ibrb.org/

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