>  >    As a matter of fact, Pearl Harbor was not an unprovoked attack!
>The US setting up a naval blockade was a good thing.

    Good, bad, or, indifferent... The point is, The attack on Pearl 
Harbor was not unprovoked. Nor was it unexpected.

>  >    If you mean "justified" in it's True definition... And
>>after-market add-on explanation to make one's actions *appear* to be
>>right, then yes, America was justified. If you mean "justified" as
>>"Correct in the first place", then, no. America was not justified.
>What!!!!??? Are you mad?

    No... Are you? If the attack on Pearl Harbor were entirely 
unprovoked, the U.S. would have been fully justified in retaliating. 
Seeking revenge against someone whom you provoked in the first place 
is just plain ludicrous! If you can't see the logic in that, maybe we 
should test your theory. How about if I start messing with your 
house, your family, your job, your Mac... Until you finally get mad 
enough to punch me in the nose... Then I break your legs in 
retaliation... Because, after all... You started it by hitting me!

>Kamikazi's are always cowards. Everybody who does suicide is a coward.

    2 very different acts! "Suicide Bombing" is a hideous misuse of 
the word "Suicide." Suicide is a very selfish, cowardly act. In 
suicide, a person is looking for the easy way out of their suffering, 
often trying to hurt their family and friends, whom they believe 
don't care.
    In a "Suicide Bombing" one is willing to give his own life for a 
cause he strongly believes in. Also believing that his actions will 
make life somehow better for his friends and family.

>  >    Absolutely! But, the greater part of "protecting her citizens"
>>lies in not provoking others to attack her citizens. In that, the
>>U.S. has failed miserably!
>There will always people that will try to harm other people, provoked or
>unprovoked. The only failure of the US was to have neglected their
>Intelligence services.

    True! But, not on such a massive scale. And, certainly not against 
a world super-power... Unless they've been outright provoked to the 
point where they simply refuse to take it anymore... Where they feel 
they have nothing left to loose.
    That is one mistake people have repeatedly made since the dawn of 
time... whether we're talking international, national, or even, 
feeling like he has nothing left to loose.

>That's protecting the
>  >citizens?
>No, but the Muslim fundamentalists need to be stopped, just like the Nazi's
>and the Japanees in the Second World War.

    2 entirely different animals! The Nazis & Japanese were out to 
conquer the world. The Muslims are just trying to be left alone, by 
the U.S. by Isreal. Folks who are trying to conquer the world will 
fight until their military has been reduced to the point where it is 
no longer feasible. Then they will surrender. Folks who are fighting 
for their Rights, Freedom and Liberty, will fight until the last baby 
is shot dead, while flinging a diaper full of poop at the U.S. 
soldiers who killed his mommy & daddy.
    It's a never ending campaign... Kill bin Laden. Another will rise 
up & take his place. That will continue until every last Muslim is 
dead... That's over a billion people! If the U.S. were to slaughter 
over a billion people... I guarantee, folks of all Religions would be 
outraged. You'd see Catholics, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Taoists 
and everyone else rising up, one by one to take bin Laden's place... 
Until every last Human on Earth is dead.

>  The fundamentalists have proven
>they do not value human life at all.

    They value Life far more than you can imagine. The willingness to 
sacrifice a few for the betterment of the many is a concept that is 
entirely beyond Western comprehension. That's why we come up with 
such idiotic terms as, "Suicide Bombing."

>   I'm affraid most of the Muslim/Arabic
>population support their act against the civilized and free world.

Huh? The United States has more laws on its books than any other 
country in the history of civilization. The United States has a 
higher percentage of its population in prison than any other country 
in the history of civilization. Every single Right guaranteed by the 
United States Constitution has been systematically removed, by 
unchallenged precedent. Free World?
    Those folks didn't strike out against Freedom, or, Civilization. 
They struck out against oppression of the Islamic people by the 
Western world. If you can't see that, it's time to perform an 
anal-craniectomy & take a good, long look at what the Western world 
has done in the Middle East and other Islamic nations over the past 
several decades!

>There is an Arabic/Muslim minority here in Europe. And those people were
>celebrating and happy because of the Attack in the U.S.
>The bombing of New York and Washington on the 11th September 2001 caused
>not only the death of thousand but also the illusion of a peacefull
>multicultural society in Europe.

    Sure, if the situation were reversed, you'd be in the streets cheering too.

>  >Schooled in over 20 different Martial Arts.

>I always wonder about what possesses people in their right mind to even
>consider training  the arts of fighting and killing other people, let alone
>20 of those arts.

    Probably the same motivation as the U.S. had in building such a 
big nuclear arsenal... Not wanting to be "Messed With." The major 
difference though, lies in the acquisition. A nuclear arsenal is 
purchased power. Martial Arts is an earned power... Earned through 
blood, sweat, dedication, self discipline, hard work, devotion and 
Spiritual development & more.
    A funny thing happens though, along the way. A person who actually 
earns their power, in the course, develops an unprecedented amount of 
Love, Respect and Compassion for ALL Life.
    Those who purchase their power only develop a desire to use it.

>>     If George W. Bush isn't man enough to walk away, it's high time he
>>step down from office and let an adult take over.
>Should Roosevelt have walked away from the nazis to? Should everybody look
>the other way when Evil attacks the free World?

See answer above...

    We stand now at a major crossroads in Human history... MAJOR!

    Throughout history, there have been countless attacks, provoked 
and unprovoked, on individuals and nations.
    History has shown that retaliation only brings temporary relief, 
at best. Following any attack, the strong have always retaliated. The 
weak tuck tail & run out of a sense of self preservation.

    At this point in time, on September 11th, the most powerful 
military nation on Earth was attacked. The past response has always 
been retaliation.

    But, if the United States can muster enough courage to say, 
"That's enough! War stops here! Not only will we not retaliate, we 
will withdraw all our troops and covert operations from everywhere 
outside our own borders. We sincerely pray that the Entire World will 
now follow our example. As of this day, all slates are wiped clean. 
The next shot fired, will be the first shot fired. Even if that 
nation is our closest ally, that nation is the one who broke world 

    That would be the beginning of True Peace on Earth.

    On the other hand, retaliation *WILL* be the "Beginning of the End."

    I urge you not to try debating these points. When the Sage 
speaks... It will happen. You may be able to make points that will 
temporarily hold water. But, if the U.S. chooses the latter option... 
The internet will go down before I get my chance to say, "I told you 



By the by, Dan the listmom has already sent a message to the 
1st-powermacs list requesting that we stop discussion on this topic. 
I suspect a message is soon on its way to this list as well. So, this 
will be my last post to this list, on this subject. Anyone who wishes 
to continue... Please join the MacToMac list...


Back to Maccing... Here anyway.
<><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <>< <><
Since Judgement Day has now come and gone, it is now up to
those who have not passed this test, over the next few years
of "tribulation" to prove their True intent, or, be lost...
<><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <><  <>< <><

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