>From: the pickle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: iCab 2.8
>At 12:51 -0400 on 08/06/02, rlf9 wrote:
>>Gee, mine launched just now in 9 seconds, about the same as usual. What
>>machine are you using it in, anyway? Thirty seconds????
>Anything from a G3/266 on down.

That's awful. Let's see, with 6 other apps running (including iCab), my 
PB2400/G3-320 (8.6) gets Mozilla's browser window open in...uh oh...20 
sec. Not so hot at sharing cpu time I guess. Maybe that's where the 
difference comes in. Quitting iCab, trying it again...still about 20 sec 
with 5 other apps running. But in my WallSt (now on the fritz with power 
problems), 'Zilla was been terrific. Gotta admit that iCab seems more 
appropriate for the comparatively tiny screen size of the Comet. Maybe I 
should try it in the CC/PPC too...

That unseemly delay between the Mozilla splash screen's disappearance and 
the browser window's opening--about 8-9 seconds on this Comet? They will, 
I hope, fix that before long.

BTW, anyone know why iCab lists two copies of the QT plugin when I have 
but one? 

Bob F

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