At 22:57 +0000 on 07/07/02, Terry wrote:

>works fine. Which surprised the hell out'ta me seeing as how
>it's only got 255.7mb ROM at 33 MHz.

Hee hee hee... yeah, those hard disks are small if they're original.

>  Anyway , all he wants to use it for is as a word processor
>but I can't find one anywhere . C-net along with a lot of

Does the WordPerfect link in the FAQ work?  I can never remember if it does
or not because it keeps disappearing.  There *is* a copy in my Archive that
works, though.

>tried putting my copy of "AppleWorks 5.0.3" on it but it
>that was a "no-go". I'm guessing that it's a 68040 but I

Yep, and AW should have worked.  Weird.  Anyway, WordPerfect is a LOT
better and it's guilt-free because it is legally free.

the pickle

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