Anyone need any of the following stuff?  If so, you need to make it worth my
while to pay for shipping from Utah and then box it up and get it to you.  I'm
basically doing a favour for a friend who needs these boxes out of his garage.

Box Sets with manuals
Borland Relfex +       1.0
4th Dimension        3.0
Think Ref                1.0
Corel Draw            4.0 (two)
Fast Track Schedule    2.0
DeBabelizer Books (havent found software yet)
Think Pascal
Think C

Software Diskettes Only
Mac Project
Letter Perfect 2.1
Doc Comp II 1.0
Wings for Excel 1.0
Hyper Card 2.0
Forth Dimesnions 2.1 - 2.2.3
Fast Track II
Lotus 123
More 3.0
PowerPoint 2.01
Silver Lining
Silver Server
Road Runner
Hammer Ultra
Disk Lock
Adobe Type Mgr
GlobFax OCR (lots)
Silver Lining
Adobe Premier 2.0
Power Port 2.0
Quick Keys
Qued/m 2.5
After Dark
CAD Mover 3.4
First Things First
Day Star Quad Control
Stuff It
Suitcase II
Dana Port
Disk World Samples
Fast Track Schedule
Think Tank
Life Guard
Mac Draft
Mac 240
Asante Ethertalk/installation 5.1.1
TML Pascal
App Maker 1.5
Super Spool
Sum II
Smart Alarm 3.0
Access PC 2.8
Init Mgr
Aldus Freehand 2.02
Stuff It
Foxbase Mac 2.01
Hypercard 2.0
On Cue II 2.01
Picture Pac Clipart
Accucolor Control Tutiorial
MPW C Update 3.2.4
Logitic Mouse Key 1.0
Adobe Super ATM
Micro Planner
Mac Project Pro
Mac Proof
ALKI Master Word for Windows 5.0
Ether +
Copy II Mac/Mac tools
APS Tech Power Tools
Laser Tech Fonts
Mac Language Scenes Pascal 1.0
Gneration X Publisher
APS Pwer Tools
TML Pascal
Case wit6h Deft Touch
AOL 1.0 ( perhaps this is one for the Smithonian)
Word 5.1
Excel 4.0
Premier 3.0
WordPerfect Works 1.2
Pwer Book 170 System DIsks
Adobe Premier 2.0
Foxbase 2.5
Fortran 2.2 QUED/M
Dreams 1.1/ Draft2.1
More II
Word Perfect Beta
Claris Works 2.0
World Atlas 2.1.1
Think Pascal 4.0
Word Perfect 5.2 Windows
Wings 1.1
Swivel 3D 1.1.4
Think C 5.0 and 4.0
Think Pascal 3.0
Foxbase Pro 2.5
AfterDark 2.0
Map Art 2.0
Pro Motion 1.02
Word Perfect 2.04
Word 5.0
Chris Lawson           <>
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