On Saturday, Feb 8, 2003, at 14:06 Europe/London, Gregg Eshelman wrote:

> --- Mark Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Get a clutch of 040MCs and upgrade them then you can
>> try something like
>> Linux or BSD on them. As a rule Unix doesn't line
>> LC040s because of the FPU error/lack of FPU.
> While it can be compiled to run on an LC040, it only
> works on some of them. I bet what the deal is the
> ones it won't run on are actually full 040 chips that
> the FPU failed testing before being placed into the
> CPU package so they went in to the rework department
> to be "lobotomized" by having the FPU disabled. Then
> later when Apple started buying so many LC040 chips
> it was profitable for Motorola to specially design
> one with no FPU at all.

The story behind this is that Motorola made a serious error in the FPU 
on the original 040. This error was so bad they had to scrap the chips 
and re-jig the circuitry. They once full 040 production was unerway 
they were stuck with a pile of faulty 040MCs and so disabled the FPU 
and sold them as LC040s. Apple saw this a a great chance to get 040 
speed technology at a fraction of the price and sop bought the lot and 
began building LC475s and Performas with them in. These were sold at 
cut prices becuase  the chips were only a fraction of the cost. 
Motorola actually had to start manufacturing LC040s to keep up with 
demand in the end.

> That's what Intel did with their 486SX. :)

It's called economy, a driving force in manufacturing. This is also how 
chips get their Mhz rating. They are run across faster and faster test 
rigs until they fail the test harness routine and then they get dropped 
in the correct bin according to their tolerance. This is also why 
manufacturers have premium and low cost CPU ranges, and also why Moto 
and IBM still sell low-speed G4s despite the new ones being as fast as 

> Any exterior physical difference between an LC040
> that linux will run on (albeit poorly) and one it
> won't run on at all?

I know for a fact BSD will run until it encounters an FPU call then it 
Kernel Panics and dies. :)

I don't know if Linux has a work round for it.

Mark Benson

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