--- Steve Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Speaking of FPU's I was wondering how a 68881 and a
> 68882 differed.
> From a list of Macs that I have it appears that only
> the II came with the
> 68881 (built-in) and that it could be added to the
> LC via an FPU card.

Dunno exactly, but the 68882 is better and can be
fitted directly in place of the 68881. Some of the
Mac II machines came with a chip called the AMU
instead of the PMMU chip and cannot use virtual
memory unless it's swapped for a PMMU. Another useful
Mac II upgrade is the ROM and SWIM upgrade.

After Apple relesed the Mac IIx they sold a kit that
consisted of the Mac IIx ROM (I'm pretty sure there
wasn't anything specialized for the Mac II about it)
and the SWIM chip to replace the IWM chip.

The ROM replacement fixed the bug where only 1 meg
SIMMs would work in Bank A and in conjunction with
the SWIM (Super Woz Integrated Machine) replacement
for the IWM (Integrated Woz Machine) chip allowed for
the use of the 1.44 meg floppy drives.

But even with the new ability to use more RAM and
1.44M floppies, it still had the 68020, PMMU and
68881 trio of chips.

Two of those chips had to be removed to plug in the
Daystar 030 PowerCache upgrade. (My manual isn't
handy so I can't lookup if it was the CPU and FPU or
CPU and AMU/PMMU.) At any rate, dropping in the
PowerCache eliminated the problem of not having
virtual memory on AMU equipped Mac II boxen.

Before the debut of the IIci, DayStar made seperate
models of the 030 upgrade for each model of Mac.
The *Universal* 030 PowerCache plugs directly into
the IIci/IIvi/IIvx/Performa 600 cache/PDS or into
an adaptor that provides a IIci etc compatable
slot on Macs without one or converts the IIsi and
slot to the IIci version.

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