I don't think so. Some implementations of Markdown support making tables, and 
you could use that to justify/center, but I have no idea if VDW supports that 
or not.
> On Jan 22, 2015, at 8:40 PM, Gmail <englishride...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Alex, thank you so much for your quick reference for Markdown. It's really 
> appreciated.
> I have a few more questions. Does markdown support adjusting font sizes? 
> Also, can you Color parts of your text with it? Can you center, left align, 
> or right align text?
> Thanks,
> Ari
> On Jan 22, 2015, at 4:56 PM, Alex Hall <mehg...@icloud.com 
> <mailto:mehg...@icloud.com>> wrote:
>> Yes, it's really easy. There are plenty of articles online, but here's the 
>> text of a primer I wrote on the topic last year. It's not complete, but it 
>> covers the basics.
>> Quick Reference for Markdown Syntax
>> Markdown is a quick, very easy way to write properly formatted HTMl without 
>> actually using HTML. It can'd do everything, but it can do the basics. The 
>> following is not a complete list - Google has those. This will, however, get 
>> you by.
>> #Headings
>> A heading is denoted by the number sign (also called the pound sign or hash 
>> sign). As many signs as you add is the heading level. For instance:
>> #heading level 1
>> ##heading level 2
>> #####heading level 5
>> This goes up to heading 6. You may end the line with the same number of 
>> signs, but you don't need to, so I never bother.
>> #Links
>> Here's the syntax for a link
>> [text of the link](www.example.com <http://www.example.com/> "link title")
>> The title part is optional - it is what appears when you hover over a link. 
>> If you use it, it must be in quotes. Note that links can be on a separate 
>> line in the Markdown, but they will appear in-line in the rendered text. 
>> This makes it easier since you can put links with longer URLs on their own 
>> lines.
>> You can also use reference links:
>> [link text][id]
>> Then, somewhere else in your document, you define that id:
>> [id]:www.example.com <http://www.example.com/>
>> You can do as many of these as you want, but each definition must be on its 
>> own line. This is handy for when you have a bunch of long URLs and don't 
>> want to clutter your document, or if you link to the same URL several times.
>> #Lists
>> ##Unordered
>> To make an unordered list, leave a blank line before you start, then put 
>> each list item on a line preceded by a dash, plus, or asterisk (I use 
>> asterisks). For instance, this will not be a list because I didn't leave a 
>> blank line before it:
>> * item 1
>> * item2
>> This, though, will be, since there is a blank line:
>> * item1
>> * item2
>> A list ends when a new line contains something other than a list item marker 
>> symbol. Please note that you must leave a space between the marker and the 
>> text of each list item.
>> ##Ordered
>> Ordered lists obey the same rules as unordered ones. The only difference is 
>> that you mark each item with a number followed by a period, then a space, 
>> instead of a symbol. These numbers need not be sequential at all; you could 
>> use a 1 for each item if you wanted, and the list would still be numbered 
>> properly in the rendered HTML. Here's an ordered list:
>> 1. item1
>> 2. item2
>> 1. item3
>> 55. item4
>> ##Sublists
>> Indent a new list four spaces, or one tab, and it becomes a sublist. You do 
>> not need a blank line before the sublist begins.
>> * list1 item1
>> * list1 item2
>>     * sublist1 item 1
>>     * sublist 1 item2
>> * list1 item 3
>>    *sublist2 item1
>> #Text Decoration
>> To bold something, surround it with asterisks, *like this*. Underlining is 
>> underscores, _like this_. Italics is a double start, **like this**.
>> #Notes
>> To put in an actual star or other reserved character, escape it. *this* will 
>> bold "this", while \*this\* will make actual asterisks appear. The backslash 
>> tells the interpreter to ignore the character. If you were to render this 
>> documentt right now, all the examples would be translated. If you wanted to 
>> keep the syntax for, say, a link, you would write:
>> \[AppleVis](http://www.applevis.com <http://www.applevis.com/>)
>> That should work; escaping that first bracket should nullify the whole 
>> thing. If not, just escape more symbols.
>>> On Jan 22, 2015, at 7:34 PM, Gmail <englishride...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:englishride...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Where is a good place to learn this markdown stuff? I've heard of it 
>>> before, but I've never used it. It sounds kind of complicated, and I'm a 
>>> little nervous about getting confused by all of it. Is it easier then I'm 
>>> probably thinking it will be?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ari
>>> On Jan 22, 2015, at 7:05 AM, Teresa Cochran <batsfly...@me.com 
>>> <mailto:batsfly...@me.com>> wrote:
>>>> Oh, it uses markdown language similar to what's used in blogs? Then you 
>>>> can designate various formatting. That is cool. Very intuitive for 
>>>> text-based editing.
>>>> Teresa
>>>> "We can see with the eyes, but we see with the brain as well, and seeing 
>>>> with the brain is often called imagination."--Oliver Sacks
>>>> On Jan 22, 2015, at 5:53 AM, Richard Turner <rich...@turner42.com 
>>>> <mailto:rich...@turner42.com>> wrote:
>>>>> You do not have to worry about closing a document before doing something 
>>>>> else. In fact, you can't close a document. You simply open another one or 
>>>>> create a new one.
>>>>> Your edits are automatically saved.
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Richard
>>>>> Reality is the leading cause of stress for those who are in touch with it.
>>>>> Jane Wagner, from In Search of Intelligent Life in the Universe
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone 5S
>>>>> On Jan 22, 2015, at 2:57 AM, carol.pearso...@googlemail.com 
>>>>> <mailto:carol.pearso...@googlemail.com> <carol.pearso...@googlemail.com 
>>>>> <mailto:carol.pearso...@googlemail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> I can't get started out of the Help!
>>>>>> Maybe it was too late at night when I started playing but ... any hints 
>>>>>> would be welcome!  Is it best to turn off VO completely?
>>>>>> Carol P
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: christopher hallsworth <mailto:challswor...@icloud.com>
>>>>>> To: Viphone <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com>
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 7:06 AM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Voice Dream Writer Review and Description
>>>>>> According to the help, if you start a line with the pound (#) symbol, 
>>>>>> you should create a level 1 heading. The more pound (#) symbols you add, 
>>>>>> the lower the heading level. So you would insert two # symbols for 
>>>>>> heading level 2, three # symbols for heading level 3 etc.
>>>>>>> On 22 Jan 2015, at 05:37, Neal Ewers <neal.ew...@ravenswood.org 
>>>>>>> <mailto:neal.ew...@ravenswood.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, I can’t figure out how to create a heading of various levels in 
>>>>>>> this app. Any clues would be helpful. Also, is their any on-line 
>>>>>>> documentation other than what is in the help file on the app?
>>>>>>> Thanks very much.
>>>>>>> Neal
>>>>>>> From: viphone@googlegroups.com <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com> 
>>>>>>> [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com>] On 
>>>>>>> Behalf Of christopher hallsworth
>>>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2015 3:43 PM
>>>>>>> To: Viphone
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Voice Dream Writer Review and Description
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I have to say I love, love, love this app! In fact, I'm thinking of 
>>>>>>> using this as my one and only Word Processor! Just love the features 
>>>>>>> and layout of the app. I will definitely spread the word. Thanks 
>>>>>>> Winston and the team for such a great app.
>>>>>>>> On 21 Jan 2015, at 16:00, Richard Turner <rich...@turner42.com 
>>>>>>>> <mailto:rich...@turner42.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>  <>Greetings,
>>>>>>>> I was a beta tester for Voice Dream Writer.  First, let me say that I 
>>>>>>>> plan to do all my writing with this app from now on.
>>>>>>>> It is simply the most powerful Word Processing app I've used on an 
>>>>>>>> iPhone.  It will take some getting used to, but once you do, it is 
>>>>>>>> fantastic!
>>>>>>>> Note, it does require iOS 8.1.  It costs $9.99 and is available only 
>>>>>>>> in English in this first release.
>>>>>>>> I recommend reading the help file that is included in the app.
>>>>>>>> You can easily move or delete whole paragraphs or sentences.
>>>>>>>> You can navigate your document by headings, paragraphs or sentences, 
>>>>>>>> of course also by word or character.
>>>>>>>> It creates an outline as you go which is why it is then easy to 
>>>>>>>> navigate by those portions of text.
>>>>>>>> It has a great spell checker that makes it incredibly easy to find and 
>>>>>>>> correct misspelled words.
>>>>>>>> You can show or hide the outline with a gesture or with a toggle 
>>>>>>>> button on the screen.
>>>>>>>> There are dedicated bluetooth keyboard commands.
>>>>>>>> One of my favorite features is being able to set heading levels, 
>>>>>>>> bulleted lists, bold or italicize text and then export that to a word 
>>>>>>>> document so it maintains those formatting styles.  
>>>>>>>> Now, you can only open text files, not word files.  But, if you do the 
>>>>>>>> bulk of your rough draft in Writer, then export it to Word .docx 
>>>>>>>> format to DropBox or example, you can then polish up your document on 
>>>>>>>> your computer and have your headings, bold, etc., maintained..
>>>>>>>> You can also export to Pages to then finish up on your Mac.  I am not 
>>>>>>>> a Mac user so I cannot speak to how that works exactly.
>>>>>>>> If you own Voice Dream Reader and update to version 3.40 of the Reader 
>>>>>>>> and run it once, all your voices from Voice Dream Reader will be 
>>>>>>>> available to you in Writer.
>>>>>>>> I highly recommend this app!
>>>>>>>> Here is the description from the app store.
>>>>>>>> Description
>>>>>>>> Voice Dream Writer helps everyone write better: Text-to-speech 
>>>>>>>> proofreading reduces
>>>>>>>> mistakes, phonetic and meaning search help you find the right words, 
>>>>>>>> and an active
>>>>>>>> outline improves the structure of your writing.
>>>>>>>> Text-To-Speech Proofreading. Professional proofreaders recommend 
>>>>>>>> reading out loud
>>>>>>>> as the best way to catch mistakes. Like a personal proofreader, Voice 
>>>>>>>> Dream Writer
>>>>>>>> reads your writing using text-to-speech, so you can easily spot 
>>>>>>>> awkward sentences,
>>>>>>>> grammatical errors and typos. Also, it can read words and sentences as 
>>>>>>>> you type or
>>>>>>>> voice dictate. This way, you can type faster because you no longer 
>>>>>>>> have to look up
>>>>>>>> to check the text you just wrote.
>>>>>>>> Word Finder. Voice Dream Writer helps you find the right words using 
>>>>>>>> phonetic search
>>>>>>>> and meaning search. For example, search for "inuf" phonetically, and 
>>>>>>>> you will find
>>>>>>>> "enough", and search for "Fast Africa Cat" by meaning and you will 
>>>>>>>> find "Cheetah."
>>>>>>>> Word Finder also shows you the dictionary definition of a word as you 
>>>>>>>> type without
>>>>>>>> you having to select anything or open another program.
>>>>>>>> Outline. As you write, Voice Dream Writer automatically creates an 
>>>>>>>> outline of headings,
>>>>>>>> paragraphs and sentences. The Outline helps you structure your 
>>>>>>>> document better by
>>>>>>>> giving you an always-on overview. You can also quickly navigate to a 
>>>>>>>> section in a
>>>>>>>> long document without endless scrolling. Finally, you can drag and 
>>>>>>>> drop elements
>>>>>>>> in the Outline to organize your writing. No more selecting, cutting 
>>>>>>>> and pasting large
>>>>>>>> blocks of text.
>>>>>>>> Besides these unique features, Voice Dream Writer also comes with 
>>>>>>>> everything you
>>>>>>>> would expect from any great writing tool:
>>>>>>>> - Comprehensive settings for text appearance
>>>>>>>> - Uncluttered writing area
>>>>>>>> - Full text search
>>>>>>>> - Synchronize and backup with iCloud
>>>>>>>> - Import and export for Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box.
>>>>>>>> - Basic markdown support for formatting
>>>>>>>> - Export to Microsoft Word format (compatible with Apple Pages)
>>>>>>>> - Support for Bluetooth keyboard
>>>>>>>> The app is not only fully accessible, it was designed with students 
>>>>>>>> and adults with
>>>>>>>> print disabilities in mind. There are special tools for VoiceOver 
>>>>>>>> users to manage
>>>>>>>> the cursor and select text. Visually impaired users can also easily 
>>>>>>>> find and correct
>>>>>>>> misspelled words by stepping through them. Voice Proofreading and 
>>>>>>>> Phonetic Search
>>>>>>>> are invaluable for people with dyslexia.
>>>>>>>> Voice Dream Writer will continue to evolve. We would love to hear from 
>>>>>>>> you!
>>>>>>>> What's New in Version 1.0.0
>>>>>>>> Posted Jan 20, 2015
>>>>>>>> • Initial release for all English-speaking countries.
>>>>>>>> • You can use all voices installed in Voice Dream Reader, but you have 
>>>>>>>> to update
>>>>>>>> to the latest version of the Reader, 3.4.0, and run it once.
>>>>>>>> -- 
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>> Have a great day,
>> Alex Hall
>> mehg...@icloud.com <mailto:mehg...@icloud.com>
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Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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