testYou and your Bible

Bob Rathbun

Louana Sterling



June 4, 2015

lesson eleven

1. For the first chapter of the book of Hebrews Compare the translation in
the King James Version with any other version  that is available to you.
List the differences that you notice.

I used The New American Standerd Bible along with theKJV. The only
differences I see are  in the language TheKJV is a little harder to
understand  because of the language. The NASV is more undersstandible
because they use modern language. I feel the meaning is the same in both
versions. Some verses are combined but that doesn't change the meaning.

2. Do the same for Psalm 45.
I feel the same applies to Psalms, the use of more up to date language in
the NASB compared to the KJV,  And verses being combined are the biggest
differences. But the overall meaning is the same in both versions.

3.   Which translation or translations of the Bible do you use? what
strengths and weaknesses do you find in these translations?

The  King James or Authorized Version is the one I use along with The New
American Standered Bible. The King James is strong because it was
translated by  gifted scholars who took pride and time to do good work.
They were faithfull to the original text. This makes it accurate
eventhough  the translation  can be improved by modern discoveries. It is
weak because the language is hard to understand for most people. The New
American Standered Bible is close to the KJV in it's strengths  because it
has the same meanings as the KJV, the language has been updated so it is
more understandible. The only weakness I can see is if the people
translating it missunderstood themeaning of the KJV.

4 If possible look up Sargon in a Bible dictionary and tell what that
dictionary says about him. If it is not possible for you to look up Sargon
then simply state what you learned about him in lesson ten.

prince of the sea ),He was  one of the greatest Assyrian kings. He is only
mentioned once in Scripture ( Isaiah 20:1 ). He was the successor of
Shalmaneser, and it is thought he was a  usurper, and his son was
Sennacheribs. He reigned from 721 to 702, B.C. He was a great and
successful warrior. During the space of fifteen years, from B.C. 721 to
706, he  gives an account of his warlike expeditions against Babylonia and
Susiana on the south, Media on the east, Armenia and Cappadocia toward the
north, Syria, Palestine, Arabia and Egypt toward the west and southwest.
Hee is mentioned by name in Scripture because  In 712 B.C. one of his
generals took Ashdod. Sargon deserves special mention among the Assyrian
kings, because he buildt useful works, and one of the most magnificent of
the Assyrian palaces.
Bibliography Information
Smith, William, Dr. "Entry for 'Sargon'". "Smith's Bible Dictionary". .

5. discuss Bible reference books that you have used or would like to use. B
specific about titles authors and the use that you have made or would like
to make of these books.

I would like to use commentaries that will help me get abetter
understanding of hard passages. Such as, Matthew Henry and Jamieson,
Fausset and  Brown and also the inter Varcisity  Christian Fellowship by
Davidson, Stibbs, and Kevan. I will check these out as well as any others I
can find in accessible formats.

Also I would like to use bible dictionaries to find out themeanings of
words and how they are  used, such as,  pomogrant, a farthing, a cherub.
Learning ages and locations of places, such as, Jerusalem. the
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia sounds like one I would like to
have access to because it has five printed volumes and would cover a wealth
of material. There are others such as, Merrill F. Unger’s NewBible
Dictionary and  Halley’s Pocket Bible Handbook that is arranged under the
various Bible books. As well as other bible dictionaries in accessible
format to find the best ones for me.

I would like to have a  complete, standard concordance to more easiely
understand the translation of words in the Bible, such as,  Young and

books on Bible introduction would be great to have for more indepth
information on who wrote different books of the Bible and when things took
place, such as,  which Gospel was written first, who wrote Judges, When did
Paul visit Rome, and When was the Old Testament canon closed? The New
Testament Introduction by Thiessen is  standard. But there are several for
the Old Testament, such as, Unger’s Introductory Guide to the Old Testament
can be valuible, Old Testament Introduction by E. J. Young is good and more
advanced. Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible, deals with some of
these subjects in a more popular way.  by r. Larod Hairis According to the
writer of this book.  Discussion of the higher criticism The Five Books of
Moses  by O. t. Allis is standard  material. A Survey of Old Testament
introduction by Gleson L. archer jr is an exsilent book on Old Testament
introduction. If I can find them I will check most of these out. for


Bible introductions give more complete, satisfactory answers  than Bible
dictionaries and encyclopedias

commentary Explains  hard passages of the Bible

concordance; lists and locates the words used in the Bible

reference Bible a brief commentary on the Bible.

May all your dreams grow higher.
And all your worries be small.
And all your blues be on the radio.

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  • test Louana Sterling

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