Hi all.
Ok, bear with me while I try to explain two problems I'm having.  *smile*
1.  When in the iTunes ap on my phone, if I double tap download... the
phone acts like it's downloading, but then I go to the videos ap or
whatever I'm trying to download... because this even happens with
iBooks, the item is not there.  I'll get 100% downloaded, but the item
isn't there still.  When I go back into iTunes or the iBook store I
see the download button like it was never pressed to download.  This
has started happening with IOS 8.whatever.  lol.  Do you think it's a
connection problem?
2.  I'm searching for TV episodes both in the iTunes ap, and in the
videos ap (the videos ap for ones I've already downloaded.)  VO seems
to get stuck on saying the same thing or going in a loop.  Like, it
will go back to the beginning to the description of the show, or the
first result.  I am swiping to the right as I normally do.  If I just
move my finger down the screen it happens also.  This has started with
9.0.  Has anyone else experienced this?  I haven't reported it because
I feel even now like I'm not really explaining myself clearly.  LOL.
Thanks for indulging me.

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