
I regularly do iCloud backups and infrequently do encrypted backups to my PC.

I did an encrypted backup today and it seems to have gone well, though pretty 
quickly for an iPhone 6 128Gig with 60 Gig loaded.

I'm writing because I'm confused by the recent problems with Transfer purchases 
of apps, etc. and am hoping for some clarification and/or reassurance.

I used to do a Transfer Purchases before doing a backup. I didn't do this 
initially today, but plunged right ahead with an ecrypted backup, that was done 
in about 2minutes.

Then I did a Transfer Purchases. This used to take a long time and transferred 
all sorts of apps, and some music. Today it took about 1 minute before I 
received the TriTone sound. Then I did another encrypted backup, that was done 
in about a minute.

Does this sound right to those of you who know this stuff? It's been several 
months and many app purchases since my last encrypted backup. I haven't 
purchased any music as I'm now a subscriber to AppleMusic, but I have 
downloaded  a handful of AppleMusic  albums to my phone; don't know if they get 
transferred to my PC with DRAM protection, but it doesn't seem as if they were 
transferred to my PC>

Anyway, if someone can provide some insight into this process, I'd very much 
appreciate it.

Thanks in advance, Keith

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