Hello all. In the next week or so the list traffic is going to jump considerably. Right now it's a bit higher with the exciting news of the iPhone 5 and iPod Touch 5 announcements. However in the next week or so when iOS 6 is released, and a few weeks later when some of you start receiving your new iPhones, the list traffic will probably take a leap up even more.

So, with that in mind, I'd like to remind everyone of the following to try and minimize the unwanted or unneeded messages on list. Note that I'm not saying that you shouldn't post questions or participate in discussions. I'm merely saying that we should all take steps to minimize messages which serve no real purpose. The below are suggested guidelines to keep in mind.

1. We are all in the ballroom at VIPhone Manor. Think of the mailing list as a huge room where all the list members are hanging out and sharing ideas, experiences, asking questions, ETC about our favorite iOS devices. There is a wireless microphone being passed around and every time someone posts to the list, they hold the microphone for that glorious moment and everyone in the room gets to hear what they have to say. However if that same someone responds privately to another list member instead of posting to the list, the conversation is kept quiet and no one in the ballroom is aware of it. Please try and consider when you want to post to the list, does everyone need to hear what I have to say, or does only the person I'm having a conversation need to hear it. Lively and positive list discussion is encouraged as long as it remains on topic. Personal conversations or things which are obviously meant for one person are not.

Some good examples of holding the microphone for everyone to hear are: Posting about a new app or an update to an app. Discussing good and bad points about an app or a specific iOS device. Sharing experiences about an app or a situation where the iOS device made a difference in something you did. Asking questions about the accessibility of an app. Comparing apps or iOS devices.

Some not-so-good examples of holding the microphone for everyone to hear are: Posting one-liner messages such as "me too", "thank you", or "your welcome" and not adding to the discussion at hand. Asking a specific person for their email address when it's right there in the message you are responding to. Treating someone with no respect, or talking down to someone who might not have an answer to a question. Trying to moderate the list yourself.

2. Tolerance and patience. This list is comprised of over 1000 people with a varying range of education, background, ethics, and age. Because of this we ask that you all show tolerance toward each other's style of writing and expression. If you feel that a list member has posted a message which is offensive, unreadable, grammatically or syntactically incorrect please do not complain about it on list. You can either ignore the message, or take it up with me or Cara privately. Flaming the list member on list would not be cool at all. There are times when emotions can get hot, and if this happens, it's ok to step back and let things cool down. If action is required by the moderators, let us handle it.

3. Use appropriate language. Foul language is not acceptable on list. We realize that some words are not considered foul language in certain parts of the world or in the context used. However when posting to the list decide on whether your message would be appropriate in a children's book or if it would be tolerated in grade school.

4. Fellowship. The VIPhone list doesn't only exist to serve as a database of questions and answers. That is what knowledge bases, FAQs, and Google searches are for. In addition to exchanging knowledge, This list is a place for us to fellowship in some small way. Although personal chat-like posts will always creep up on list, they are not condoned. It is in our nature to want to discuss things with each other. They might start off as iOS related but then might stray to other areas. If this happens, please move the discussion off the list so it can remain on topic. It is very easy for a discussion about a weather app to morph into a discussion about the weather in your city and how your pets feel about the recent climate changes.

5. Appropriate postings. It goes without saying, but please take care to post messages which are iOS related. Asking questions about the best Android app for your checkbook, or finding the best places to vacation next summer are not considered on topic. If you post links to web sites or podcasts or downloads, make sure they are public links or that you have permission to post them. Postings containing salacious or defamatory material, piracy, cracking/hacking of any software, and
anything illegal are unacceptable and inappropriate.

6. Moderating members. I hate writing this one, but it has to be said. We realize that most everyone here is here to get information from the list and wants to participate in positive discussion. However there are always a few bad apples in a large group. (Pun intended). It's these bad apples which can ruin it for others. Unfortunately if a topic on list gets out of hand, or someone starts flaming others on list, steps need to be taken. So, please rest assured that if list members need to be spoken to regarding list postings, or list behavior, it will be done.

7. List traffic. We realize that list traffic can get a bit overwhelming at times. This is especially true when a new iOS version comes out. Just know that usually the increase in traffic during a new iOS release is just temporary. However you can always do your best to help minimize that list traffic by following the guidelines you are reading. Additionally you can switch to digest mode which bundles many messages into one large one, or you can set filters in Gmail, or in your specific mail program so that list messages are not flooding that precious inbox.

8. List archives. The archives for this list are available at www.mail-archive.com/viphone@googlegroups.com/ which is very speech friendly and can be searched. Because this is a recent addition, the public archive doesn't have the last several year's posts. You can rest assured that it will grow in time. This is a great resource to finding that answer you are looking for regarding a past topic. One which comes to mind is, "How do I enable or disable the compact voice?" I personally feel that searching the archives from this page are easier than searching them from the Google Groups web site, however both can be done.

That's it for the list guidelines. Remember that if you have any suggestions, comments, complaints, or constructive criticism regarding the list. Let me and/or Cara know. The viphone owner email adress is viphone+ow...@googlegroups.com. We will do our best to make things right.

Happy iOSing.

Raul A. Gallegos - VIPhone Moderator
Home Page: http://raulgallegos.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rau47
Facebook: http://facebook.com/rau47

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