The Life, Death, and Legacy of iPhone Jailbreaking
This article includes both original reporting from Motherboard and reporting
from The One Device: The Secret History of the iPhone. 

The window shades are halfway down, leaving the bedroom dim. It's a grim day
in Bassano del Grappa, a town in northeastern Italy that's mostly famous for
its main import, the liquor of the same name: Grappa. I'm sitting on a twin
bed-the only place I could sit. To my left, there's a bookshelf with a stack
of Mickey Mouse comics, a staple in the childhood bedroom of every Italian
kid. In front of me, sitting in a faux racing car chair, there's Luca
Todesco, a 19-year-old who might be the best iPhone hacker on the planet.

I hand him my brand new, up-to-date iPhone 7. 
"Can you jailbreak it?" I ask. 

Jailbreaking is the art of hacking into Apple's ultra-secure iOS operating
system and unlocking it-and thus allowing users to customize the phone, and
write or install any software unimpeded by Apple's restrictions. At the time
I met with Todesco, in December 2016, there was no known jailbreak-no public
knowledge of this hack-for the latest iOS version that was installed on my
iPhone (iOS 10.2). 
The world's first jailbreaking step-by-step procedure, discovered in 2007,
was posted online for all to see. Subsequent jailbreaks were used by
millions of people. At one point, there was even a website-called was free for all to use and jailbroke your phone simply
by visiting it. 
Todesco's jailbreak, however, is only available within the confines of his
bedroom inside his parents house.
Luca Todesco jailbreaks an iPhone in his bedroom in Bassano del Grappa,
Italy, in December of 2016. Photo: Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai/Motherboard

Todesco, who is now 20 and is known by his hacker alias "qwertyoruiop,"
looks nonplussed. He grabs my phone and reaches for a cable on his desk,
next to a collection of two dozen iPods and iPhones, all neatly resting next
to each other as if on display. Todesco plugs in the phone, types a couple
of commands into his Mac computer, then presses enter. My iPhone's screen
turns off and on, before a white screen comes up: 
"Doing it . Patching . Jailbroken," the screen reads, one after the other. 
"Ha!" Todesco says, smiling. 
The wall of Apple's garden has been cracked. The phone is jailbroken. 
The author's iPhone 7 after being jailbroken by Luca Todesco. Photo: Lorenzo

If it were the late 2000s, Todesco would probably post how he did that
online, and would release his latest jailbreaking technique to the public.
It'd then be available to all iPhone users, giving anyone a chance to unlock
the phone and install apps not approved by Apple, or tweak the otherwise
locked-in look, theme, and design of the phone's home screen. 

To jailbreak an iPhone means exploiting one or more bug to disable a
security mechanism called code-signing enforcement. This allows the hacker
to run code that's not signed and approved by Apple. By doing that, the
hacker opens up the possibility to install apps not approved by Apple and
make changes and tweaks to the operating system. 

Beginning shortly after the first iPhone was launched, and picking up steam
in 2008, jailbreaking was a full-blown cultural and economic phenomenon.
Hacking crews known by names such as the iPhone Dev Team, Chronic Dev, and
evad3rs were some of the best iPhone hackers of their generation.They made
both sport and crusade of breaking into Apple's ascendant phone and opening
the system up to rogue developers. A brilliant, iconoclastic software
engineer named Jay Freeman gave venue to the hackers and developers by
building Cydia, a sort of alternative App Store. At its height, Cydia, which
predated the actual App Store, was a business pulling in millions of dollars
in revenue, and offered users a way to experience the iPhone as a truly free
and open computer. 

Things, however, have changed. The jailbreaking community is fractured, with
many of its former members having joined private security firms or Apple
itself. The few people still doing it privately are able to hold out for big
payouts for finding iPhone vulnerabilities. And users themselves have
stopped demanding jailbreaks, because Apple simply took jailbreakers' best
ideas and implemented them into iOS.
When the iPhone 7 was released on September 16, 2016, Todesco found a way to
jailbreak the new version of iOS within a few hours of getting his phone in
the mail. He showed off his feat on YouTube, and told Motherboard he was
able to do it so quickly because most of the bugs and exploits he needed for
the jailbreak he had already found and developed for previous versions of

Finding these bugs isn't easy. iOS is one of the-if not the-most secure and
tough to hack operating system in the world. The code that underlies it is
mostly secret. It's hard to figure out how anything works in iOS, let alone
find flaws in it. Apple has always made security a priority in iOS, but the
iPhone isn't unhackable. Anyone reading Apple's security notes after an iOS
update will see a slew of bugs, some more serious than others. And there
have been a few, albeit rare, cases of iOS malware, and a jailbreak created
by government hackers with the goal of spying on victims was caught in the
wild last year.

But it's undeniable that the iPhone is an almost-impervious walled garden,
and only highly-skilled 
hackers or teams of hackers can penetrate it. 

While Todesco is happy to show that he can jailbreak the iPhone, both on
YouTube and to Motherboard, the young hacker has no plans to release his
secrets to the public. After all, his closely-guarded technique, and the
bugs it relies on, are perhaps worth up to $1 million, according to market
rates offered by zero-day merchants. 

The early pioneers of jailbreaking helped turn the original iPhone from a
feature-light phone into a powerful tool that could do many of the things
our phones do today, from playing video games to tracking your bike rides. 

"In iPhone iOS 1.0, Apple didn't even have a fucking game, right? Every
other phone had a copy of Snake, every phone had a copy of Hangman-[Apple]
didn't even have Hangman," Freeman said, adding that the first iPhone
couldn't even set ringtone profiles, or mute certain contacts at specific
times of the day. 

"The iPhone came out and it was essentially a small tablet web browser that
happened to sort of have a crappy phone wedged on it." 
"These are features that you have on a phone, and these are features that
the iPhone did not have," he said. "The iPhone came out and it was
essentially a small tablet web browser that happened to sort of have a
crappy phone wedged on it."
Those were the Wild West days of jailbreaking, when talented, albeit
amateur, hackers did it for fun, and to screw with Apple's walled garden. 

"It started as a group of teenagers writing NSA-grade exploits intended to
spread software freedom," said a former Apple employee who asked to remain
anonymous because he is bound by a non-disclosure agreement. 

For a while, the hackers spread freedom. And they gave people across the
world the chance to mod their iPhone to enhance its capabilities.

"There was just so much fun stuff you could do-everyone jailbroke. iPhone OS
2 people still jailbroke because people wanted themes, people wanted
copy-paste," Freeman, who is now 35, says. "There was so much basic low
hanging fruit of what everyone expects a computer or phone to have that was
easy to really make all those killer things."

Ten years after the iPhone hit the sleek tables of Apple Stores worldwide,
and the first-ever jailbreak, that Wild West is gone. There's now a
professionalized, multi-million dollar industry of iPhone security research.
It's a world where jailbreaking itself-at least jailbreaking as we've come
to know it-might be over.
A skinny 17-year-old with unkempt curly hair and a slightly oversized
button-up shirt stands awkwardly in what looks like his parents' kitchen,
when he whips out an iPhone-the original one-from his jeans pocket. 

"Hi everyone, this is geohot. And this is the world's first unlocked
iPhone," George Hotz announced in a YouTube video that was uploaded in
August of 2007.

Working with a team of online hackers intent on freeing the iPhone from its
AT&T bondage, Hotz logged 500 hours investigating the phone's weaknesses
before finding a roadmap to the Holy Grail: First, he used an eyeglass
screwdriver and a guitar pick to remove the phone's back cover. He found the
baseband processor, the chip that locked the phone onto AT&T networks. Then,
he overrode that chip by soldering a wire to it and running enough voltage
through it to scramble its code. Pwned. On his PC, he wrote a program that
enabled the iPhone to work on any wireless carrier.

Hotz filmed the result-a newfound ability to place calls with an iPhone
using a T-Mobile SIM card-and shot to fame. A wealthy entrepreneur traded
him a sports car for the unlocked phone. Apple's stock price rose on the day
the news broke, and analysts attributed it to the fact that word was
spreading that there was a way to get the "Jesus phone" without AT&T. 

The video has since been viewed over two million times.
Though it wasn't technically a jailbreak, Hotz showed that there was
appetite to hack the iPhone. So while Hotz worked to free the iPhone from
AT&T's grip, a group of hackers had organized to break into the iPhone's
walled garden. The hackers called themselves the "iPhone Dev Team." (The
group had no affiliation with any actual development team at Apple, which
has caused years of confusion.) 
"Back in 2007, I was in college, and I didn't have a lot of money," says
David Wang, one of the members of the iPhone Dev Team. 

As a gearhead, Wang was intrigued when the iPhone was announced. "I thought
it was a really impressive, important milestone for a device. I really
wanted it," Wang remembers. "But the iPhone was too expensive for me, and
you had to buy it with AT&T. But they also announced the iPod Touch, and I
was like, I can afford that. I thought, you know, I could buy an iPod Touch,
and they'll eventually release a capability to let it make web calls,

Or, he could just try to hack it into one. 

"At the time, there was no App Store, there was no third party apps at all,"
Wang says. "I was hearing stuff about people who were modding it, the iPhone
Dev Team, and the hackers, and how they got code execution on the iPhone. I
was waiting for them to do the same with iPod Touch."

The iPhone Dev Team was perhaps the most prominent hacker collective to take
aim at the iPhone. They started probing the phone for code
vulnerabilities-bugs that they would be able to exploit to take over the
phone's operating system. Wang was watching, and waiting.

"Every product starts out in an unknown state," the cybersecurity expert Dan
Guido says. Guido is the co-founder of the cybersecurity firm Trail of Bits,
and an expert in iPhone security. Apple, he says, "lacked a lot of exploit
mitigations, they had lots of bugs in really critical services." 

But that was to be expected. It was a new device, a new frontier. There were
going to be potholes. 
It only took hackers a day or two to break into the iPhone's software after
Chris Wade, now CTO at at 4Sense, found a way to exploit a bug that made
Safari crash if you visited a website displaying a specially crafted TIFF
image file. (The original TIFF bug was found by Tavis Ormandy, who now works
for the elite hacking group Google Project Zero.) Hackers would post proof
of pwning the system-uploading a video of a phone with an unauthorized
ringtone, for example-and then typically follow-up with a how-to instruction
set so other hackers could replicate it. 

"When [the iPhone] came out, it was just for Mac," Wang says. "I didn't want
to wait for people to come up with Windows instructions, so I figured out
how they were doing it, and made a set of instructions for Windows users
[...] it turned out to be 74 steps." 

"Every product starts out in an unknown state." 
That was a turning point. Wang, who goes by the handle planetbeing, posted
his instructions online a few weeks after geohot's famous video, and it set
off a frenzy. "So if you Google '74-step jailbreak,' you would see my name,"
Wang says. "It was the first thing that I did."

That's how jailbreaking became the popular term for knocking down the
iPhone's security system, and allowing users to treat the device as an
actual computer-modifying settings, installing new apps, etc. 
Shortly after, Wang saw a blog post by the security expert HD Moore, who'd
taken apart, step-by-step, that TIFF exploit. Moore had, in essence, laid
out a blueprint for an automatic jailbreak. 

Wang wrote the predecessor to what would later become perhaps the most
legendary-and trivial to implement-iPhone jailbreak mechanism. Instead of 74
steps, this jailbreak only required visiting an online "app" through Safari,
a website called, that would immediately jailbreak the

The first JailbreakMe, also known at the time as "AppSnapp," was released in
October 2007, and soon became the stuff of legend. 
"The JailbreakMe attack . was really fun because at the time you could go
into an Apple Store, open up, and then it had this little
'Swipe to Unlock' button, and when you swipe to unlock it would run the
exploit and root the phone from the internet," Guido says. "You could just
go to an Apple Store and jailbreak every single phone they had on display." 

The Swipe to Unlock was a play on the iPhone's famous unlocking mechanic; a
double entendre highlighting the fact that it was a closed, locked system
that the dev team was liberating you from. Apple became so concerned about
this practice that it later blocked the site from its
in-store Wi-Fi networks.
A screenshot of the site at the time of JailbreakMe 2.0
Apple, long aware that jailbreaking was becoming an increasingly mainstream
trend, broke its silence on the practice on September 24, 2007, when the
company issued a statement: "Apple has discovered that many of the
unauthorized iPhone unlocking programs available on the Internet cause
irreparable damage to the iPhone's software, which will likely result in the
modified iPhone becoming permanently inoperable when a future Apple-supplied
iPhone software update is installed."

There were genuine reasons that Apple was concerned about jailbreaking.
Guido says the JailbreakMe episode was "really funny, and really fun to do,
but it's also tremendously demonstrative of how it's so easy to pull off
that attack." The "star exploit," as it was technically called, Guido adds,
"could have been turned around really quickly into an attack toolkit and
we're lucky that it wasn't."
Or was it?

Jailbreaks could in theory lead to people effectively exposing their devices
to malware. Just last year, Chinese hackers stole hundreds of thousands of
passwords from jailbroken phones.
There's never been any evidence that a public jailbreak or an exploit used
for one was recycled by malicious hackers to attack iPhones. Yet, after the
hacker Nicholas Allegra, also known as Comex, released one of the versions
of his famed JailbreakMe app, hackers repurposed it, swapping the payload to
hack the users, according to two people who used to work for Apple. 

"It seemed pretty rudimentary. It was just somebody swapping out the last
part, everything else was identical," one of the sources, who asked to
remain anonymous due to Apple's non-disclosure agreement, told Motherboard.
"They swapped out the last part of the payload, so rather than launching
Cydia at the end of the jailbreak process, they launched something else that
they had cobbled together."

"People will try to break in, and it's our job to stop them breaking in."
Unlike those unknown malicious hackers, the vast majority of the
jailbreakers, like Wang, did it for the sport of it, and because they were
eager to expand the capabilities of a clearly capable machine. The majority
weren't hacking into anyone's phones (besides Apple Store display models, an
easily reversible prank) and were only jailbreaking their own to customize

Apple patched the bug that enabled the TIFF exploit, setting off what would
be a years-long battle: The iPhone Dev Team and other jailbreaking crews
would find a new vulnerability and release new jailbreaks. The first to find
a new one would get cred. Then Apple would fix the bug, and "brick" the
jailbroken phones, making them completely unusable. When asked about
jailbreaking at a press event in September 2007, Steve Jobs called it "a cat
and mouse game" between Apple and the hackers. 
"I'm not sure if we are the cat or the mouse," Jobs admitted. "People will
try to break in, and it's our job to stop them breaking in."

Over time, the jailbreaking community grew in size and stature. The iPhone
Dev Team reverse-engineered the phone's operating system to allow it to run
third-party apps. Hacker-developers made games, voice apps, and tools to
change the look of the phone's interface. On Apple's phone, you could
customize very little. The original iPhone didn't even have an option for
wallpaper, as the apps just hovered on a black background. And the fonts,
layout, and animations were all set in stone. It was the hackers who were
pushing the device to become more like the creativity augmenter, the
knowledge manipulator that Steve Jobs's idol Alan Kay originally imagined
mobile computing to be.
Jay Freeman, second from the right, in line at an Apple event in 2010.
Photo: Ben Miller/Flickr
At its launch in February 2008, Freeman's Cydia allowed users to do a lot
more than the current App Store does. Users could download apps, games, and
programs, sure. But they could also download "tweaks" and more drastic
overhauls. You could, for instance, redesign the layout of your home screen,
download ad-blockers, apps to make non-AT&T calls, and exert more control
over data storage. 
Apple wasn't happy about it, and tried to discourage people from
jailbreaking any way it could. In 2009, citing copyright law, Apple declared
jailbreaking illegal. And though Apple never actually sued any of the
jailbreakers, the practice remained in a legal gray area. A year later, the
practice was ruled legal by the
Librarian of Congress, clearing the way for more jailbreaks.

Around this time, Allegra, another iPhone Dev Team member who was then 18,
took over JailbreakMe, helping millions of people jailbreak their iPhones
and install Cydia. 

The cat-and-mouse game between jailbreakers and Apple rolled on. 
The popularity of jailbreaking and Cydia provided a public demonstration of
a palpable demand for a way to get new apps and for people to take control
of their devices. 
Freeman saw it as more of an ideological imperative. 

"The whole point is to fight against the corporate overlord," he told The
Washington Post in 2011. "This is a grassroots movement, and that's what
makes Cydia so interesting. Apple is this ivory tower, a controlled
experience, and the thing that really brought people into jailbreaking is
that it makes the experience theirs." 

As of 2011, Freeman said that his platform had 4.5 million weekly users, and
was generating $250,000 in revenue a year, most of which was pumped back
into supporting the ecosystem. 
Money was an issue for the jailbreakers like the iPhone Dev Team, who relied
on PayPal donations and outside jobs to fund their efforts, Wang says. Over
time, as the App Store drained some of the interest in jailbreaking, and
Apple became increasingly aggressive in its efforts to prevent and
discourage breaks, the original team began to drift off. 

And it turned out that, as with any good underground rebels-versus-authority
story, there was a twist: Evidence suggests, and a member of the the team
confirmed, that one of the core iPhone Dev Team members was an actual Apple
employee. None of the dev team had any clue that the hacker, who went by
bushing and was known for his skills with reverse engineering, had been a
double agent working for the company whose phones they were hacking. Who was

Ben Byer had signed on as a Senior Embedded Security Engineer with Apple in
2006. At least, that's what his online trail suggests. A LinkedIn profile
for Ben B. lists that same job title, as well as a work history that
includes a stint with libsecondlife, an effort to create an open-source
version of the once-popular Second Life game, where someone named "bushing"
was a frequent poster. This would seem to suggest Byer was Bushing, which
Wang confirmed to us. A person who used to work at Apple with Byer also
confirmed that he worked there.

"We didn't know it at the time," Wang stammers today, reluctant to admit
Byer's role in the iPhone jailbreaks. "We didn't realize until later. We
didn't know it at the time, but he kind of came out to us later on." Bushing
would go on to be a formidable force in the community. Tragically, he died
in early 2016 due to what his friends and peers describe as natural causes.
He was 36.

The community's relationship with Apple wasn't always adversarial. The
jailbreakers would sometimes drop by Apple's annual Worldwide Developers
Conference and say hello to the security team. At one point, a hacker even
left a hidden message to Apple's security team within one of his jailbreaks,
naming specific engineers, according to the former Apple employee. 

"A lot of the players were young folks with a lot of time on their hands and
then they needed to get a job or graduated or whatever," a former Apple
employee, who requested anonymity, told Motherboard. It was done "for fun,"
and "for the challenge," and "for the camaraderie." 

"There was a jailbreak community then," the former employee said.

Years after the iPhone Dev Team gathered in IRC chat rooms, the public
jailbreaks and YouTube shenanigans have slowly become a distant memory. One
of the reasons was that the iPhone, in part because of the jailbreakers, has
became harder to hack. Another reason is that the highly-skilled hackers who
jailbroke it started getting jobs, either at Apple or at private security
A decade after the first jailbreak, the legacy of those early hacks lives
The jailbreaker crews demonstrated living, coded proof that there was
immense demand for an App Store, and that people would be able to do great
things with it. Through their somewhat illicit innovation, the jailbreakers
showed that the iPhone could become a vibrant, diverse ecosystem for doing
more than making calls, surfing the web, and increasing productivity. And
they showed that developers would be willing to go to great lengths to
participate on the platform. 

As such, the hacker iPhone Dev Team should get a share of at least some of
the credit in Jobs's decision to let the real iPhone Dev Team open up the
device to developers in 2008.
"I don't want to have too much hubris in our role. We didn't know how much
Apple had planned before us," Wang says, or how much it mattered that they
relentlessly hacked the iPhone until it opened up. "I want to say it does."

But now that Apple has incorporated into iOS some of the best tweaks and
features that were previously only available through a jailbreak, does
anyone-the average iPhone user-really need to jailbreak their iPhones? 

Truth is, they don't. 

Not that they could actually do it, either. As of this week, there's no
public jailbreak for the current version of iOS. The last public jailbreak
is for iOS 9.3.3, which was released on July 18, 2016, according to a
jailbreak tracking site. In the last few years, jailbreaks have become
increasingly rare. 
The increased security measures Apple has taken haven't just made it harder
to get a full jailbreak, which now requires a chain of hard-to-find bugs. It
also made jailbreaks, and the bugs and exploits that underlie them, too
valuable to give up for free-or even to give to Apple for thousands of
Last year, Apple's head of security and jailbreak-killer-in-chief, Ivan
Krstić, boasted about the strength of iOS's defenses, pointing to the fact
that jailbreaks these days require "between five and ten distinct
vulnerabilities in order to be able to defeat platform security mechanisms."

"After a decade of its existence there has still not been a single piece of
iOS malware affecting our users at scale," Krstić said during a talk at the
WWDC in 2016. "Our users have been fantastically well protected for nearly
10 years."

"I feel like jailbreak's basically dead at this point." 
In January of this year, Todesco announced that his jailbreaking career was
"PSA: I will stop all public iOS research after I drop that 10.2 thing. The
idiocy of the jailbreak community is too much to handle for me," he tweeted,
before clarifying that "by 'public research' I mostly meant 'public

When we met with him in December of last year, Todesco complained about the
toxic environment in the modern jailbreaking community, where people bombard
hackers like him asking for jailbreaks. These nagging requests for a
timeline-"wen eta jailbreak?"-on the next jailbreak have become sort of a

Things indeed have changed.
"I feel like jailbreak's basically dead at this point," Allegra said in a
recent chat through iMessage.
Allegra said that if there was anybody who was going to "revitalize"
jailbreaking, it would have to be Todesco. When we told him the Italian
hacker had announced he was giving up jailbreaking, he wrote: "Oh? Too bad."

For Freeman, the father of Cydia, a man who's seen countless jailbreaks,
it's basically all over. Back in the good old days, he says, jailbreaks
would work for months. Now, when there are public jailbreaks, they get
killed immediately.

"Apple has both upped priority on fixing jailbreaks but also we have moved
so far up the stack that we're actually dangerous," he says. 

Once a jailbreak crusader, it's gotten to the point where Freeman no longer
recommends that people jailbreak their phones. It's dangerous, due to the
higher risk of getting hacked, and it's not even worth it anymore, he says
in a recent phone call.

"What do you get in the end?" he asks. "It used to be that you got killer
features that almost were the reason you owned the phone. And now you get a
small minor modification." 

"That turns into, like, a death spiral, where when you get fewer people
bothering to jailbreak you get fewer developers targeting interesting
things, which means there's less reasons for people to jailbreak," he added.
"Which means there's fewer people jailbreaking, which causes there to be
less developers bothering to target it. And then you slowly die." 

This story was adapted from an excerpt of The One Device: The Secret History
of the iPhone , with additional original reporting. 

Motherboard staff is exploring the cultural, political, and social influence
of the iPhone for the 10th anniversary of its release. Follow along.
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