

I have two questions.

1.       When I was on the Facebook app last night, I was looking at my
notifications tab, and there, I saw the Friends list and suggested friends
as well.  I somehow accidently double-tapped on something that said "Hide"
which hid the friend requests and suggestions in the notifications tabl.
Does anyone know how to get that feature back?  If not, then I have to go to
the navigations tab and then to friends and then somewhere else.

I didn't mean to hide this feature.


2.       How do I find the feature where I can choose to not show when I
choose to like a page or friend someone new?  There are times when I Like a
page, and then it lets all of my Facebook people know that I've chosen to
like it.  Same goes for friending new people.  I figured it was in the
Privacy settings but can't seem to find it.  Thanks much.





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