I was talking to Evan, one of my two brothers, and he told me that, recently,  
when in one of the 
big retail chains, he was waiting at the counter to pay for the items he had 
bought, when the man 
just ahead of him:  a man that Evan knows:  paid, or attempted to do so, for a  
large ticket items 
with cash.  The clerk refused it and asked for a credit card.
This guy is well off, and, although he does have a card, he also keeps his 
pocket stuffed with cash.
He, the wealthy bloke didn't have his card on him and was going to have to ring 
his wife and ask her 
to bring it to the store, but then my cashPoor but cardRich noble knight 
brother offered to pay for 
He knew the rich bloke and knew that he would be repaid, even, perhaps with a 
little thank you tip 
thrown in, but I am sure that this did not have any influence on Evan's 
generous action.

From: "Kelly Pierce" <kellyt...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2019 2:35 PM
To: <viphone@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: Everyday tasks that few people do anymore because of technology, 
USA Today

I wear a braille wrist watch and carry cash.  What does that make me?
I love technology but wish to avoid the blind nerd look of multiple
talking devices with wires coming out of my ears and pockets.  A white
clock face with black hands on a vintage 70 year old watch looks hip
by preserving the simplicity of telling time.

Carrying cash is a different story.  When I go to a small business, I
pay in cash.  Waitresses remember me because I tip them in cash, which
they can keep for themselves.  Some service businesses expect cash.
The best barbers here only accept cash.  At my barbershop, they even
have an old fashioned cash register that rings a bell with each
transaction.  I also feel more comfortable handing a cabbie cash in a
new city than hand over a credit card, which could be skimmed.  Fees
on cards are expensive.  I just gave my neighborhood gym owner several
$100 bills to pay for my gym membership.  If I were to use a credit
card, it would cost him about $10.  I would rather he receive all of
my money instead of a banker who is doing almost nothing acting as a
middleman.  Yes, he has an iPhone and I could zap him the money
through Apple Pay Cash, but he co-owns the business with a partner so
the money needs to go from his phone to his personal account then to
the business account.  With cash, he easily could divvy up the money
without the transfer hassles.

After I give people cash, they remember me and respond positively to
me in the future.  This is particularly so after I put a $50 or $100
bill under their nose.


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On 6/13/19, M. Taylor <mk...@ucla.edu> wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Since many of the items on this list involve iOS, I thought I'd post it
> here
> for all to enjoy.
> Mark
> Everyday tasks that few people do anymore because of technology, USA Today
> Phone book, what's a phone book? 20 everyday tasks that nobody does anymore
> Kim Komando  |  Special to USA TODAY Updated 6 hours ago
> Daily necessities are vanishing one by one, thanks to new and efficient
> technology. Stamps, maps and cookbooks still exist, but we hardly ever need
> them. Why place a personals ad when you can just "swipe left?"
> The standard electronics, gear and ways of yesteryear have vanished as if
> it
> was never invented at all. As old formats disappear, that leaves us with
> the
> task of what to do with our memories.
> Even services that seem new are vanishing in the name of progress; Apple is
> killing off iTunes, for example. and here's what it means to your music and
> movies.
> Here are some rituals that are no longer required in many households. If
> you're 40 years or older, you'll probably smile with nostalgia. Share this
> list on social media. Others will enjoy this trip down memory lane too!
> 1.
> Memorize a phone number
> Pop quiz: How many phone numbers do you know by heart? Some people don't
> even know their spouse's numbers. How times have changed. Now, you tell
> your
> smart assistant to call someone in your contacts, or you touch their name
> on
> your phone.
> The earliest cellphones required you to transfer your entire directory by
> hand, from the old unit to the new one; now, with cloud technology, your
> contacts are automatically downloaded.
> What happens if you lose your phone, say, at a Disney theme park? This
> couple got separated and turned to Facebook for help.
> 2.
> Use a phone book to find a company to do work around your house
> Generation Z may not even know what "Yellow Pages" refers to. They may not
> have ever seen a phone book.
> Online consumer services like Angie's List and Yelp have made finding
> service people easy, plus you can read other users' ratings. One of the
> newer ways to find ultra-local services is Nextdoor, which has a special
> section for "recommendations," along with crime watches and other local
> info.
> 3.
> Sell your car with a cardboard sign stuck on the windshield
> Unless you're selling your vehicle to someone you know and trust, these
> transactions can get sticky and even a little dangerous, especially with
> all
> the trolls. Craigslist started more than 20 years ago, and it's still going
> strong, although it, too, still suffers from trolls and weirdos. If you
> want
> to sell your car, here are three sites that may be better than Craigslist.
> 4.
> Figure out math in your head
> Few of us ever carried calculators with us to the grocery store. In
> contrast, pretty much everyone with a smartphone uses it to do basic
> calculations, no matter where or when you need it. In fact, you don't even
> have to jab numbers anymore, physical or virtual: Tell Siri to solve a math
> problem, or command Alexa to do that pesky long division for you, along
> with
> countless other handy skills.
> 5.
> Call and ask a family member, "Where are you?"
> Find My Friends changed the family-safety landscape by geographically
> connecting iPhone users. This app was a life-saver for parents with kids,
> adults taking care of aging parents, and countless others. Phone Tracker is
> a free app for iPhone and Android-powered phones that not only tracks
> location but also messaging and web activity.
> 6.
> Tell time by hands on a clock
> Like cursive writing, analog clocks may be teetering on extinction. Few
> people with smartphones bother with watches anymore, unless they're fashion
> statements or fitness trackers. With digital clocks dominating our
> computers
> and hardware, those 12-numeral timepieces may become pure novelties.
> Even your trusted alarm clock has received a tech makeover. Click or tap
> for
> three apps that monitor your sleep cycle, and wake you up when you'll feel
> the most rested.
> 7.
> Make photo albums
> It's hard to imagine printing an image at a one-hour photo store, taking
> back your packet of 4x6 snapshots, and then meticulously pasting them into
> a
> faux-leather photo album. Given the ease of digital photography, and the
> innumerable images you could produce on a regular day, you'd fill up entire
> shelves in no time.
> Photo-sharing services like Flickr and Amazon Cloud and have existed for
> some years, and now some apps will help you organize your photos and
> keepsakes, some of them from well-known companies like CVS and Walgreens.
> 8.
> Have a CD or record collection
> Wasn't it cool back in the day to walk into a shabby-chic apartment and see
> those shelves of CDs? Wasn't it a joy to flip through boxes of vinyl
> records? Napster was the first sign that music could exist as a tiny,
> virtual MP3 file, and then iPods basically dealt the death blow.
> Today, music exists as a digital index on a screen. Purists may love their
> turntables, but CDs have probably gone the way of the wax cylinder.
> 9.
> Make mixtapes
> There was something so special about a mixtape. We spent hours finding the
> right song, then lining up two cassettes to copy a song. So many lovers
> cemented their relationships using a blank tape and a few dozen favorite
> albums.
> Now, you can drag and drop a digital playlist in seconds.
> 10.
> Call a theater to get movie times
> Back in the day, you'd dial a theater and listen to its endless-loop
> recording of movies and times. Sometimes, you'd catch it mid-loop and have
> to wait for it to start at the beginning to get all the movie.
> With Google, type "movie times," and the search engine will list films
> based
> on your location. You can also ask your personal assistant, such as Google
> Home, what films are playing at the cineplex and what time they're on,
> along
> with tons of other tricks and Easter eggs.
> Blockbuster: There's only one store left in the entire world
> Perks: Amazon expands free one-day shipping for Prime members
> 11.
> Record your favorite programs on tape
> All year, we'd wait for "It's a Wonderful Life" or "The Wizard of Oz" to
> pop
> up on TV. When they did, we'd push a VHS tape into the machine and wait
> until the proper moment to press "record."
> When TiVo emerged, it streamlined this process by making scheduled
> recordings even simpler. Now, with streaming services, web archives and
> easy-to-purchase downloads, the timing of a broadcast barely matters
> anymore. But as you cut on the cord on traditional cable television, make
> sure you pick the services that best meet your interests and budget.
> 12.
> Watch shows when they are broadcast live
> In the same vein, we rarely have to sit in front of the television, eagerly
> waiting for a "major network event." Services like Hulu and YouTube convert
> a huge amount of national television into a digital format, and local news
> stations log most of their important segments onto their websites.
> 13.
> Run to the store for a last-minute gift
> Curses! You forgot a Mother's Day gift! Should you change your whole
> schedule so you can rush to the store and hurriedly pick something out? If
> you have Amazon Prime and live in an Amazon hub, there's no need. You can
> order same-day delivery and have that gift couriered to your front door.
> It's just one of the many benefits you probably didn't know Amazon offers.
> Click here for more than 20 lesser-known perks that come with your Amazon
> Prime membership.
> 14.
> Cut things out of the newspaper
> When I was a kid, my dad used to cut out articles from the newspaper and
> put
> them in my lunchbox. I miss those days. If Dad were still alive today, he'd
> do what most of us do: Tap or click a button to share content by text or
> email. Speaking of sharing information, do you get my newsletters? Dad
> would
> like that!
> 15.
> Send a handwritten letter
> Don't get me wrong: It's still wonderful to receive a postcard from faraway
> places. You might say that email, texting and video conversations have made
> handwritten letters even more special. But no one is forced to transcribe
> their thoughts by hand and drop those letters in a mailbox. Heck, nowadays,
> we use voice dictation to write messages.
> 16.
> Looking up the spelling of words in the dictionary
> Spellcheck is nearly as old as word processors, and many of us have grown
> up
> expecting Microsoft Word to underline our mistakes in red squiggles. But
> autocorrect takes this concept a step further, guessing what we intended to
> write and correcting our errors.
> This can be handy for clumsy thumbs, but it can be embarrassing when
> autocorrect guesses wrong.
> 17.
> Use a phone booth to make a call
> Phone booths are making a comeback in open floorplan offices where there is
> no privacy. But rare is the phone booth where you handle a dirty phone and
> put in a coin to make a call. The last holdouts may be an airport or a
> particular part of town, but even international travelers can usually nab a
> SIM card the moment they step off the plane. Did you know you can use your
> cellphone as a walkie-talkie? Here's how.
> 18.
> Carry cash
> I remember my dad telling me, "Always carry a ten dollar bill because you
> never know when you'll need it." In a world of debit cards and P2P apps
> (person-to-person), we rarely have to carry cash anymore. So what happens
> when your phone is dead, there's no one around and all you have is a phone
> booth? Luckily, most public phones in the U.S. are outfitted with credit
> card strips.
> 19.
> Use a travel agent
> Travel agents can be essential for elaborate vacations, but for general
> flights, services like Kayak and CheapFlights have completely transformed
> how we book our passage. You can compare hundreds of airlines and agencies
> in seconds for the best deal. If you'd like to save even more, use Google
> Flights to find the cheapest airfare. Here are five ways Google Flights can
> really help you save as long as you're flexible with your travel schedule.
> 20.
> Getting your old checks back from the bank every month
> Oh, people still write checks, and physical paychecks are still routine
> methods of payment, but I doubt this antiquated practice will last much
> longer. Even depositing checks has become digitized, thanks to ATMs that
> scan the piece of paper and print a facsimile on your receipt.
> That said, online banking does open a whole universe of security risks. If
> you're not sure whether your phone's banking app is secure, there are three
> critical steps you can take.
> Any long lost tech you'd like to add to this list? Drop your ideas to me on
> Twitter.
> What digital lifestyle questions do you have? Call Kim's national radio
> show
> and tap or click here to find it on your local radio station. You can
> listen
> to or watch the Kim Komando Show on your phone, tablet, television or
> computer. Or tap or click here for Kim's free podcasts.
> Originally Published 2:00 a.m. PDT June 13, 2019
> Updated 6 hours ago
> Original Article at:
> https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2019/06/13/everyday-tasks-few-people-do
> -anymore-because-technology/1438758001/
> --
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