Donna has it right.
Any link that is not directly through the IRS web site could be a fraudulent 
I've never heard of w h i o dot com.
These kinds of pages crop up all over the place.
That may well have been a legitimate link, but I would only trust going through 
the IRS site directly.


(Sent from my iPhone SE)

On Apr 14, 2020, at 7:40 PM, Donna Casteen <> wrote:


I can't comment on the link that was previously shared with the group. I can 
say, if a person receives SSI payments, you do need to go to & fill 
out the form to be able to receive the stimulus payment. The irs does not have 
direct deposit information for those people who receive SSI payments. The irs 
only has information on those who file taxes each year & those who receive SSDI 
& receive a 1099 form each year for those who need to file taxes. If a person 
is claimed as a dependent on someone elses taxes, the dependent is not eligible 
for the stimulus payment. All this information is outlined on the irs website 


Hi All,
I am not on SSI but the people I know who are there SSI is direct deposited in 
their bank accounts. So why would they have to fill out a form. I am thinking 
this could be a scam as I smell a rat. So I don’t know for sure so I would 
check it out first before I click on this link below and fill out anything.
That is just my opinion.
Mr. Ed

From: [] On Behalf Of 
Robert Doc Wright
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 2:22 AM
Subject: stimulus info

If you are on SSI then you will need to fill out this IRS form so your money 
will be direct deposited to you. if you are on SSDI then they alrady have your 

If we don't take time to think before we speak we may find ourselves in a 
situation where our speech becomes a bit stinky!
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