I have two iPhones, one of which, my older 7+, does not have a Sim card. But it works in all respects like a phone otherwise. I have the news app for my favorite local station, K easy I, on both of my phones. If I ask my Tanner Siri to open kezinine, it does so. But starting yesterday, and continuing through now, if I ask the Siri on my 7+ to do the same thing, it insists it cannot find an app on my phone named kezi nine, even though that is what the app is called and it works just fine on the other phone. I have tried spelling it out to no avail. Since it’s the same app, and both of them, my phones that is, are on Wi-Fi, what the heck could be going on here? If I go to the app in my news folder and double tap it, of course it opens just fine. This is Siri having a problem on an older phone, and I can’t figure out why.
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