Hi All,

Our printer crapped out on us and we're now shopping for a replacement and 
we're considering a laser over the ink jet models.  We need an internet 
printer that's compatible with our iPhones as well as our PC's, and we want 
an All in One that's color.  Any recommendations

Can anyone provide us a comparison of color printing between the ink jet and 
laser models as far as how one looks verses the other?  What I mean is the 
sharpness of color if printing a picture or something like that.  Printing 
documents should come just fine and since we don't print pictures that 
often, but if we do we would like it to look half way decent when we do.

All input is greatly appreciated.  Thanks much.

Take care and stay safe.  Mike.
Sent from my iBarstool.  Go dodgers!

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