If he had the around-the neck Bluetooth with telescopic earbuds, he'd have them 
on all the time. A lot of practice might get it for him, you think? 

-----Original Message-----
From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 8:45 PM
To: viphone@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Answering iPhone

Thanks for all your responses.  I just don’t  think that having head phones or 
ear buds will work.  That means that he will either have them on all the time 
or quickly put them on when he gets a call.  I don’t think he will be able to 
react that quickly to answer the call.


I tried to show him how to quickly turn on voice over when he receives a call 
and then do a two finger double tap.  Again, too much for him to do in a short 
period of time.


Voice command  is an interesting  possibility.  I will experiment with this 
some to check out the feasibility.






From: viphone@googlegroups.com <viphone@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Richard 
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 8:02 PM
To: viphone@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Answering iPhone


For many uses, Voice Control works fine with VoiceOver if you are using 

Otherwise, there are some issues with it hearing VoiceOver and confusing it.

The bottom line in  this use case though is I do not think it will help for 
answering the phone.

I would like to be wrong about that.





"He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass 
himself,” and we forget that only grace can break the cycle of ancient hatreds 
among peoples. (It is notable that while I have regretted not granting grace to 
others, I’ve never once regretted extending it.)" - Edward Herbert


Live long and prosper 🖖 


Check out my web site at: www.turner42.com 


From: viphone@googlegroups.com <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com>  
<viphone@googlegroups.com <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com> > On Behalf Of doug 
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2020 4:59 PM
To: viphone@googlegroups.com <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com> 
Subject: Fwd: Answering iPhone


Sorry gentle readers, this message was supposed to go to the entire group, must 
be a flaw in human software!


-------- Forwarded Message -------- 


Re: Answering iPhone


Wed, 21 Oct 2020 18:54:48 -0500


doug parisian <eggm...@shaw.ca> <mailto:eggm...@shaw.ca> 


Daniel MacDonald <daniel.angus.macdon...@gmail.com> 


I have read several messages claiming voice control works poorly with 
voiceover.  In fact, this is logical when not using any external listening 
devices.  The mike is constantly listening and so may react in unexpected ways 
to a word or phrase spoken by Voiceover.


So, if you want/need to use voice control, do so with an external device with a 
microphone.  I love voice control for many situations and only wish it could be 
used to activate features of programs once opened.

On 2020-10-21 6:11 p.m., Daniel MacDonald wrote:
> Have you considered voice control? Since your client has some sight > it 
> could be useful. Sadly, it does not work with VoiceOver as well > as I, and 
> others I presoom, would like. But for low vision users, > their is also Zoom 
> which from what people tell me, works quite well. > I am totally blind, so 
> cannot vouch for how well or not, Zoom works. > Daniel > > >> On Oct 21, 
> 2020, at 7:34 PM, Richard Turner >> <richardturne...@outlook.com 
> <mailto:richardturne...@outlook.com>  <mailto:richardturne...@outlook.com> 
> <mailto:richardturne...@outlook.com> > >> wrote: >> >> There is no speak 
> command to answer the phone. There is an auto >> answer setting you can 
> enable but that means it's going to answer >> whether he's by the phone or 
> not. Not my first choice. Otherwise I >> think voiceover gesture is the only 
> way unless he can learn where >> to touch his finger and slide to answer 
> without voiceover. Sadly, >> Siri will not read emails. I suppose you could 
> try turning on >> speak screen, but he would have to be able to open the 
> email >> first, and that does not sound possible. So I would write Apple >> 
> accessibility as well as call them and ask about getting Siri to >> read 
> emails. This is the one feature that it should've had from >> the start and 
> is stupid in my opinion that it does not. >> >> >> >> >> Richard "He that 
> cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which >> he must pass himself,” 
> and we forget that only grace can break the >> cycle of ancient hatreds among 
> peoples. (It is notable that while I >> have regretted not granting grace to 
> others, I’ve never once >> regretted extending it.)" - Edward Herbert >> >>> 
> On Oct 21, 2020, at 3:12 PM, mmmat <mmm...@comcast.net > 
> <mailto:mmm...@comcast.net> >> <mailto:mmm...@comcast.net> 
> <mailto:mmm...@comcast.net> > wrote: >>> >>>  Hi Group, >>> >>> I am working 
> with an individual that is very low vision and is >>> also suffering from a 
> mild case of dementia and he gets >>> overwhelmed easily. He is using an 
> iPhone 8 and I am very >>> reluctant to turn on voice over. I think it will 
> be too >>> difficult for him to remember the voiceover commands. >>> >>> 
> There are two immediate things that I want to accomplish with >>> him using 
> the Hey Siri command or any other speaking options if >>> available. >>> >>> 
> First is there an easy way to answer a incoming phone call >>> without being 
> able to see the screen. Second, we were able to >>> successfully send an 
> email message using the Hey Siri command. >>> Is there a way to have Siri 
> read and email message aloud. Every >>> time I ask Siri to read my email 
> messages, it only tells me the >>> name of the sender and the subject line 
> and does not read the >>> actual email message. >>> >>> Any help is much 
> appreciated. >>> >>> Mario >>> >>> >>> -- The following information is 
> important for all members of the >>> V iPhone list. >>> >>> If you have any 
> questions or concerns about the running of this >>> list, or if you feel that 
> a member's post is inappropriate, >>> please contact the owners or moderators 
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> list moderator is Mark Taylor. Mark can be reached >>> at: mk...@ucla.edu 
> <mailto:mk...@ucla.edu>  <mailto:mk...@ucla.edu> <mailto:mk...@ucla.edu> . 
> Your list owner is >>> Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
> caraqu...@caraquinn.com <mailto:caraqu...@caraquinn.com>  >>> 
> <mailto:caraqu...@caraquinn.com> <mailto:caraqu...@caraquinn.com>  >>> >>> 
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