OK, thanks for the article, and a good read. A few points though:
1. This is one doctor's opinion. There are other doctors who don't think we'll 
reach herd immunity until the summer. I provided a link with such information.
2. He's providing nation wide statistics. For example, here in Texas, we're 
behind the curve when it comes to vaccinations, so our herd immunity will come 
after other parts of the country reach herd immunity.
3. I don't see anywhere in this article where the author says people should 
stop wearing masks in April. Opening up the economy in April isn't the same 
thing as telling people they can stop wearing masks.
4. this article also states that the COVID-19 virus will be with us for decades 
and there will continue to be mutations. He doesn't use these words, but 
vaccines will continue to be playing catch up for a while.
5. I don't see anything in this article that says there won't be some people 
who will still be wearing masks for some time to come and this feature in IOS 
will be welcomed by those people. Not everyone needs to use every feature in 
their iPhone for it to be a useful feature.

Christopher (AKA CJ)
Chaltain at Outlook

-----Original Message-----
From: viphone@googlegroups.com <viphone@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Kelly 
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2021 10:51 PM
To: viphone@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Masks & Face ID

Feb. 18, 2021 12:35 pm ET

We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April

Covid cases have dropped 77% in six weeks. Experts should level with the public 
about the good news.

By Marty Makary

Amid the dire Covid warnings, one crucial fact has been largely
ignored: Cases are down 77% over the past six weeks. If a medication slashed 
cases by 77%, we’d call it a miracle pill. Why is the number of cases 
plummeting much faster than experts predicted?
In large part because natural immunity from prior infection is far more common 
than can be measured by testing. Testing has been capturing only from 10% to 
25% of infections, depending on when during the pandemic someone got the virus. 
Applying a time-weighted case capture average of 1 in 6.5 to the cumulative 28 
million confirmed cases would mean about 55% of Americans have natural immunity.

Now add people getting vaccinated. As of this week, 15% of Americans have 
received the vaccine, and the figure is rising fast. Former Food and Drug 
Commissioner Scott Gottlieb estimates 250 million doses will have been 
delivered to some 150 million people by the end of March.
There is reason to think the country is racing toward an extremely low level of 
infection. As more people have been infected, most of whom have mild or no 
symptoms, there are fewer Americans left to be infected. At the current 
trajectory, I expect Covid will be mostly gone by April, allowing Americans to 
resume normal life.
Antibody studies almost certainly underestimate natural immunity.
Antibody testing doesn’t capture antigen-specific T-cells, which develop 
“memory” once they are activated by the virus. Survivors of the 1918 Spanish 
flu were found in 2008—90 years later—to have memory cells still able to 
produce neutralizing antibodies.
Researchers at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute found that the percentage of 
people mounting a T-cell response after mild or asymptomatic
Covid-19 infection consistently exceeded the percentage with detectable 
antibodies. T-cell immunity was even present in people who were exposed to 
infected family members but never developed symptoms.
A group of U.K. scientists in September pointed out that the medical community 
may be under-appreciating the prevalence of immunity from activated T-cells.
Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. would also suggest much broader immunity than 
recognized. About 1 in 600 Americans has died of Covid-19, which translates to 
a population fatality rate of about 0.15%. The Covid-19 infection fatality rate 
is about 0.23%. These numbers indicate that roughly two-thirds of the U.S. 
population has had the infection.
In my own conversations with medical experts, I have noticed that they too 
often dismiss natural immunity, arguing that we don’t have data.
The data certainly doesn’t fit the classic randomized-controlled-trial model of 
the old-guard medical establishment. There’s no control group. But the 
observational data is compelling.
I have argued for months that we could save more American lives if those with 
prior Covid-19 infection forgo vaccines until all vulnerable seniors get their 
first dose. Several studies demonstrate that natural immunity should protect 
those who had Covid-19 until more vaccines are available. Half my friends in 
the medical community told
me: Good idea. The other half said there isn’t enough data on natural immunity, 
despite the fact that reinfections have occurred in less than 1% of people—and 
when they do occur, the cases are mild.
But the consistent and rapid decline in daily cases since Jan. 8 can be 
explained only by natural immunity. Behavior didn’t suddenly improve over the 
holidays; Americans traveled more over Christmas than they had since March. 
Vaccines also don’t explain the steep decline in January. Vaccination rates 
were low and they take weeks to kick in.
My prediction that Covid-19 will be mostly gone by April is based on laboratory 
data, mathematical data, published literature and conversations with experts. 
But it’s also based on direct observation of how hard testing has been to get, 
especially for the poor. If you live in a wealthy community where worried 
people are vigilant about getting tested, you might think that most infections 
are captured by testing. But if you have seen the many barriers to testing for 
low-income Americans, you might think that very few infections have been 
captured at testing centers. Keep in mind that most infections are 
asymptomatic, which still triggers natural immunity.
Many experts, along with politicians and journalists, are afraid to talk about 
herd immunity. The term has political overtones because some suggested the U.S. 
simply let Covid rip to achieve herd immunity.
That was a reckless idea. But herd immunity is the inevitable result of viral 
spread and vaccination. When the chain of virus transmission has been broken in 
multiple places, it’s harder for it to spread—and that includes the new strains.
Herd immunity has been well-documented in the Brazilian city of Manaus, where 
researchers in the Lancet reported the prevalence of prior Covid-19 infection 
to be 76%, resulting in a significant slowing of the infection. Doctors are 
watching a new strain that threatens to evade prior immunity. But countries 
where new variants have emerged, such as the U.K., South Africa and Brazil, are 
also seeing significant declines in daily new cases. The risk of new variants 
mutating around the prior vaccinated or natural immunity should be a reminder 
Covid-19 will persist for decades after the pandemic is over. It should also 
instill a sense of urgency to develop, authorize and administer a vaccine 
targeted to new variants.
Some medical experts privately agreed with my prediction that there may be very 
little Covid-19 by April but suggested that I not to talk publicly about herd 
immunity because people might become complacent and fail to take precautions or 
might decline the vaccine. But scientists shouldn’t try to manipulate the 
public by hiding the truth.
As we encourage everyone to get a vaccine, we also need to reopen schools and 
society to limit the damage of closures and prolonged isolation. Contingency 
planning for an open economy by April can deliver hope to those in despair and 
to those who have made large personal sacrifices.

Dr. Makary is a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg 
School of Public Health, chief medical adviser to Sesame Care, and author of 
“The Price We Pay.”

We’ll Have Herd Immunity by April
Covid cases have dropped 77% in six weeks. Experts should level with the public 
about the good news.
Continue reading your article with a WSJ membership.
By Marty Makary
Feb. 18, 2021 12:35 pm ET


Amid the dire Covid warnings, one crucial fact has been largely
ignored: Cases are down 77% over the past six weeks. If a medication slashed 
cases by 77%, we’d call it a miracle pill. Why is the number of cases 
plummeting much faster than experts predicted?

In large part because natural immunity from prior infection is far more common 
than can be measured by testing. Testing has been capturing only from 10% to 
25% of infections, depending on when during the pandemic someone got the virus. 
Applying a time-weighted case capture average of 1 in 6.5 to the cumulative 28 
million confirmed cases would mean about 55% of Americans have natural immunity.

Biden's Pushback on Student Loans

Now add people getting vaccinated. As of this week, 15% of Americans have 
received the vaccine, and the figure is rising fast. Former Food and Drug 
Commissioner Scott Gottlieb estimates 250 million doses will have been 
delivered to some 150 million people by the end of March.

There is reason to think the country is racing toward an extremely low level of 
infection. As more people have been infected, most of whom have mild or no 
symptoms, there are fewer Americans left to be infected. At the current 
trajectory, I expect Covid will be mostly gone by April, allowing Americans to 
resume normal life.

Opinion: Morning Editorial Report
All the day's Opinion headlines.

Notes on the News
The news of the week in context, with Tyler Blint-Welsh.

Enter your email
Antibody studies almost certainly underestimate natural immunity.
Antibody testing doesn’t capture antigen-specific T-cells, which develop 
“memory” once they are activated by the virus. Survivors of the 1918 Spanish 
flu were found in 2008—90 years later—to have memory cells still able to 
produce neutralizing antibodies.

Researchers at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute found that the percentage of 
people mounting a T-cell response after mild or asymptomatic
Covid-19 infection consistently exceeded the percentage with detectable 
antibodies. T-cell immunity was even present in people who were exposed to 
infected family members but never developed symptoms.
A group of U.K. scientists in September pointed out that the medical community 
may be under-appreciating the prevalence of immunity from activated T-cells.

Covid-19 deaths in the U.S. would also suggest much broader immunity than 
recognized. About 1 in 600 Americans has died of Covid-19, which translates to 
a population fatality rate of about 0.15%. The Covid-19 infection fatality rate 
is about 0.23%. These numbers indicate that roughly two-thirds of the U.S. 
population has had the infection.

In my own conversations with medical experts, I have noticed that they too 
often dismiss natural immunity, arguing that we don’t have data.
The data certainly doesn’t fit the classic randomized-controlled-trial model of 
the old-guard medical establishment. There’s no control group. But the 
observational data is compelling.

I have argued for months that we could save more American lives if those with 
prior Covid-19 infection forgo vaccines until all vulnerable seniors get their 
first dose. Several studies demonstrate that natural immunity should protect 
those who had Covid-19 until more vaccines are available. Half my friends in 
the medical community told
me: Good idea. The other half said there isn’t enough data on natural immunity, 
despite the fact that reinfections have occurred in less than 1% of people—and 
when they do occur, the cases are mild.

But the consistent and rapid decline in daily cases since Jan. 8 can be 
explained only by natural immunity. Behavior didn’t suddenly improve over the 
holidays; Americans traveled more over Christmas than they had since March. 
Vaccines also don’t explain the steep decline in January. Vaccination rates 
were low and they take weeks to kick in.

My prediction that Covid-19 will be mostly gone by April is based on laboratory 
data, mathematical data, published literature and conversations with experts. 
But it’s also based on direct observation of how hard testing has been to get, 
especially for the poor. If you live in a wealthy community where worried 
people are vigilant about getting tested, you might think that most infections 
are captured by testing. But if you have seen the many barriers to testing for 
low-income Americans, you might think that very few infections have been 
captured at testing centers. Keep in mind that most infections are 
asymptomatic, which still triggers natural immunity.

Many experts, along with politicians and journalists, are afraid to talk about 
herd immunity. The term has political overtones because some suggested the U.S. 
simply let Covid rip to achieve herd immunity.
That was a reckless idea. But herd immunity is the inevitable result of viral 
spread and vaccination. When the chain of virus transmission has been broken in 
multiple places, it’s harder for it to spread—and that includes the new strains.

Herd immunity has been well-documented in the Brazilian city of Manaus, where 
researchers in the Lancet reported the prevalence of prior Covid-19 infection 
to be 76%, resulting in a significant slowing of the infection. Doctors are 
watching a new strain that threatens to evade prior immunity. But countries 
where new variants have emerged, such as the U.K., South Africa and Brazil, are 
also seeing significant declines in daily new cases. The risk of new variants 
mutating around the prior vaccinated or natural immunity should be a reminder 
Covid-19 will persist for decades after the pandemic is over. It should also 
instill a sense of urgency to develop, authorize and administer a vaccine 
targeted to new variants.

Some medical experts privately agreed with my prediction that there may be very 
little Covid-19 by April but suggested that I not to talk publicly about herd 
immunity because people might become complacent and fail to take precautions or 
might decline the vaccine. But scientists shouldn’t try to manipulate the 
public by hiding the truth.
As we encourage everyone to get a vaccine, we also need to reopen schools and 
society to limit the damage of closures and prolonged isolation. Contingency 
planning for an open economy by April can deliver hope to those in despair and 
to those who have made large personal sacrifices.

Dr. Makary is a professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg 
School of Public Health, chief medical adviser to Sesame Care, and author of 
“The Price We Pay.”

On 3/12/21, Christopher Chaltain <chalt...@outlook.com> wrote:
> This isn't true. Do you have a link to this source? Here's one site of 
> many that says we should be wearing masks at least into the summer 
> https://parade.com/1141266/ericasweeney/how-long-will-we-have-to-wear-
> masks/ Plus, since the COVID-19 virus isn't going away, and will 
> continue to mutate, and since no vaccine is 100% affective, there will 
> be some people who will continue to wear masks for years if not 
> forever in some situations.
> A feature like what Apple is providing will be beneficial to some even 
> if others don't take advantage of it.
> --
> Christopher (AKA CJ)
> Chaltain at Outlook
> -----Original Message-----
> From: viphone@googlegroups.com <viphone@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of 
> Kelly Pierce
> Sent: Friday, March 12, 2021 9:38 PM
> To: viphone@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: Masks & Face ID
> A doctor from Jons Hopkins says that Covid will be mostly gone by 
> April so the necessity to wear face masks will be ending soon.
> Kelly
> On 3/12/21, Maria Reyes <sassyblindg...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> yeah it'll be interesting to see how that new feature works.
>> want to talk about all aspects of blindness? Join the blind chatroom 
>> list by sending an email to blind-chatroom-requ...@freelists.org with 
>> subscribe in the subject
>>> On Mar 11, 2021, at 10:07 PM, Wendy Lin <wendy9...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Hi All,
>>> Well based on the Youtube videos I’ve watched from Apple Insider and
>>> 9to5 Mac, the Face ID feature with the masks will only work to 
>>> unlock your phone if you have an Apple Watch.
>>> Wendy
>>>> On Mar 11, 2021, at 4:54 PM, Simon A Fogarty <si...@blinky-net.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Richard,
>>>> IOS 14 also allows you to have an alternate face in your face id 
>>>> settings,
>>>> So in a way you can have both faces in there.
>>>> If you have two faces that is.
>>>> From: viphone@googlegroups.com <viphone@googlegroups.com> On Behalf 
>>>> Of Richard Turner
>>>> Sent: Friday, 12 March 2021 4:46 am
>>>> To: viphone@googlegroups.com
>>>> Subject: RE: Masks & Face ID
>>>> You can only have one face, but apparently it looks like iOS 14.5 
>>>> will allow for masks during face ID.  Not sure how that will work, 
>>>> but those who have a phone with face ID can find out once 14.5 is 
>>>> released.
>>>> Richard
>>>> Ralph's Observation:  It is a mistake to allow any mechanical 
>>>> object<>to realize that you are in a hurry.
>>>> My web site, www.turner42.com
>>>> From: viphone@googlegroups.com<viphone@googlegroups.com> On Behalf 
>>>> Of sherrywells1...@gmail.com
>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2021 7:44 AM
>>>> To: 'VIPhone' <viphone@googlegroups.com>
>>>> Subject: Masks & Face ID
>>>> I have an IPhone 8 so still use touch id.  When you set that up you 
>>>> can set it up for more than one finger.  With face id, can you set 
>>>> it up with more than one face?  If so, you could have both masked & 
>>>> unmasked faces for use in unlocking the phone.  I’m guessing this 
>>>> isn’t possible or one of you would have done it.  I’m just curious 
>>>> though since it would make sense to allow more than one face just 
>>>> as it does to allow more than one finger.
>>>> Sherry Wells
>>>> --
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>>>> mk...@ucla.edu. Your list owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara 
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>>>> The archives for this list can be searched at:
>>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/viphone@googlegroups.com/
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>>>> Your V iPhone list moderator is Mark Taylor. Mark can be reached at:
>>>> mk...@ucla.edu. Your list owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara 
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