As the news commentator Paul Harvey sometimes used to say, this is just what, not why. I have no idea why. Just before doing the following experiment, Siri still was not working. A few days ago, when music recognition was discussed on this list, I decided to put it into control panel and experiment with it. It was probably about then when siri stopped working. Today, when I removed music recognition from control panel, you have guessed it by now, siri works again. I then put music recognition back into control panel, and siri still works. I guess old siri was jealous that I had put another way to recognize music into my phone, and it entered a period of sulking and pouting. But then, I guess it is over it now, I hope for good. Being that old siri uses Shazam to recognize music, it wasn't jealous when I installed that program several years ago. Arnold Schmidt
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