
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Richard Turner
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: Have you Gone Wireless, Yet?

No, it is not on BARD, which is why I didn't mention BARD as a resource.
If your local public library does digital audio books, you may be able to get 
it that way.

Richard, USA.
“What we think or what we know or what we believe is in the end of little 
consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do” ~ John Ruskin My web 

        On Jan 13, 2023, at 3:04 PM, Carolyn <> wrote:

        Is that book on BARD? I tried to find it, but did not. 
        -----Original Message-----
        From: [] On 
Behalf Of Richard Turner
        Sent: Friday, January 13, 2023 2:21 PM
        Subject: RE: Have you Gone Wireless, Yet?
        I just finished the book, You're Not Listening for our book club," and 
would recommend it to everyone who wants to be a better listener, but I'm 
passing on a quote that addresses the issue brought up on this list about being 
without your phone for a period of time.  This is only one tiny excerpt from 
the book.
        From the book, "You're Not Listening: What You Are Missing and Why It 
Matters," by Kate Murphy. (Available from Bookshare, and Kindle as text; and Audible as an audio book.
        Chapter 14. Addicted to Distraction, 57.5%: 
        “health experts say device dependency has many of the same behavioral, 
psychological, and neurobiological components as substance abuse.
        While our smartphones may not allow us to have a decent conversation 
(“Can you hear me now? How about now?”), they seem to offer us just about 
everything else—social media, games, news, maps, recipes, videos, music, 
movies, podcasts, shopping, and pornography, if you’re so inclined. In the end, 
none of it is as emotionally satisfying or as essential to our well-being as 
connecting with a live human being. And yet, like any addict, we keep tapping, 
scrolling, and swiping as if pulling a lever on a slot machine, hoping to 
eventually hit the jackpot.
        This compulsion, driven by a fear of missing out, prevents sustained 
attention, making listening—or any task requiring thought—difficult. It’s hard 
to concentrate on what’s happening in the real world when you’re preoccupied 
with what could be happening in the virtual one. Experts have raised concerns 
that we are even losing our ability to daydream, as fantasizing, too, requires 
some level of attention. Many of the greatest advances in science and arts and 
letters have come by way of daydreaming. Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham 
Bell, Charles Darwin, Friedrich Nietzsche, T. S. Eliot, and Lewis Carroll all 
attributed their genius to long periods of uninterrupted musing. Could you put 
away your phone for an hour? A half hour? Five minutes?”
        Richard, USA.
        “Reality is the leading cause of stress for those who are in touch with 
it.”  --  Jane Wagner from The Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe
        My web site:
        -----Original Message-----
        From: <> On Behalf Of 
Richard Turner
        Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 8:08 AM
        Subject: RE: Have you Gone Wireless, Yet?
        That had me laughing out loud.
        Richard, USA.
        “Reality is the leading cause of stress for those who are in touch with 
it.”  --  Jane Wagner from The Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe
        My web site:
        -----Original Message-----
        From: <> On Behalf Of 
James Bentley
        Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 8:03 AM
        Subject: RE: Have you Gone Wireless, Yet?
        Probably no need for expensive professional help.
        There's probably an app for that.
        James B  
        -----Original Message-----
        From: <> On Behalf Of 
Richard Turner
        Sent: Monday, January 9, 2023 9:55 AM
        Subject: RE: Have you Gone Wireless, Yet?
        Time for professional help for sure, 😊
        Richard, USA.
        “Reality is the leading cause of stress for those who are in touch with 
it.”  --  Jane Wagner from The Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe
        My web site:
        -----Original Message-----
        From: <> On Behalf Of 
Sieghard Weitzel
        Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2023 10:37 PM
        Subject: RE: Have you Gone Wireless, Yet?
        Wow, that sounds serious, mark, I think you need professional help 🤣
        I really like my phone and use it a lot although strictly by time I use 
it most for listening to Audible. But I have no issues putting it aside when we 
have company.
        -----Original Message-----
        From: <> On Behalf Of 
M. Taylor
        Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2023 10:27 PM
        Subject: RE: Have you Gone Wireless, Yet?
        Hi Deidra,
        Yes, while I keep a healthy supply of Braille novels, magazines, and 
periodicals in my house, it can be challenging, from time-to-time, to 
disconnect from the web.
        A couple of weeks ago, when in a hurry, a friend and I left my house 
heading to a store to do a bit of light shopping.  Halfway there, I realized 
that I had left my phone, at home.
        It was all I could do to keep from having her turn the car around and 
returning to retrieve it.
        While out, we decided to grab some lunch at a restaurant.
        While we were out, I found myself fighting panic attacks at not having 
access to the internet.  Now I knew this was foolish; after all, I wasn't 
expecting any important phone calls, I knew that we would be heading back to 
the house within a couple of hours or so, etc.  Still, I found it most 
difficult to stay calm and pay attention to her.  
        She kept asking, "Are you okay?"  
        I told her that I had left my phone at home and that it was no big 
deal.  I soon discovered that, in my mind at least, it was, in fact, a 
tremendously large, big deal (smile).)
        When, near the end of our meal, she suggested that we go to a park for 
a while, I all but screamed, "No!"  
        I simply couldn't stand the thought of being separated from my phone, 
one minute longer.
        So, yes, addicting, these devices can definitely be, to say the least.
        -----Original Message-----
        From: <> On Behalf Of
        Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2023 6:21 AM
        Subject: RE: Have you Gone Wireless, Yet?
        These posts are great. You all are up on all that is out there. As for 
me, I can't wear any kind of ear pieces because they cause me sharp pain in my 
inner ear. I am glued to my phone day and night mostly because I text and read 
a lot, but I find if I do not turn my phone off at night, I sleep poorly 
because as soon as I wake in the night, I once more reach for the phone. I fall 
asleep again but if I leave the phone off I somehow sleep much better and wake 
           Round the clock entertainment these phone sure provide us. Does that 
spell distraction or cultural etification?
        -----Original Message-----
        From: <> On Behalf Of 
Sieghard Weitzel
        Sent: Sunday, January 8, 2023 1:57 AM
        Subject: RE: Have you Gone Wireless, Yet?
        I'd take a set of Airpods maybe if somebody gave them to me along with 
        I hate having anything stuck inside my ear further than the wired 
Earpods, they happen to fit me great and I don't even have to push them in hard 
and they just stay in place.
        I also wouldn't be caught dead spending the kind of money on two little 
things which only last 5 or 6 hours and which I am bound to loose sooner or 
        Now keep in mind that this is strictly my take, I know many of  you 
love them and that's fine, then of course if I did spend the money on them I'd 
also say I love them.
        As for wearing something in bed when you most likely will fall asleep 
there is nothing better than those sleep headbands which have a set of very 
thin speakers on each side over your ear and a little control pod on  your 
forehead with 3 buttons for volume up/down and play/pause in the middle. Of 
course if you want to fall asleep to high fidelty music then these are not the 
right thing, but they are fine for audio books or, if you are into those sleep 
sounds, that would probably be just fine, but they are the most comfortable 
thing and I usually sleep on my side so I definitely know and I often wake up 
in the middle of the night with my Audible book happily playing and I then 
usually stop it, pull them off my head and thrown them on the side table. You 
can find them on Amazon, just make sure you do look for wireless ones because 
the original ones do have a 3.5mm cable and that of course is sucks. I think I 
paid around $30 Canadian for mine about 2 or 3 years ago and they still work 
        I also have an Aftershokz Open Com which I use in certain situations 
and another Bluetooth gadget I have is one of these around the neck speakers, 
they consist of a thick and relatively soft rubbery cable about as thick as 
your thumb and one each end is a speaker, one has the typical buttons to turn 
it on/off and for play/pause and volume up/down. I quite like using them at 
home when I am out in the summer in the garden or even while cooking, your 
audio is right there more or less in front of your shoulders and you can easily 
reach up and pause or change the volume.for cert But I just bought a new set of 
Lightning Earpods because they are still my preferred headset, there is no lag 
and for $24.99 Canadian I get surprisingly good sounding earbuds. I probably go 
through a pair a year, sometimes a bit longer, but as I said, inexpensive, good 
and when I don't need them I roll them up around my hand and stick them into my 
        Best regards,
        -----Original Message-----
        From: <> On Behalf Of 
M. Taylor
        Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2023 9:44 PM
        Subject: Have you Gone Wireless, Yet?
        Hello All,
        I have long been a fan of Apple wired Ear Pods.  
        I had to have my original beloved 8 Plus replaced, about a month prior 
to its warranty expiration because the audio function of the Lightening port 
went bad.
        For the last 6-months or so, perhaps longer, while the Lightening port 
on my replacement 8 Plus still functioned as expected, it lost the ability to 
retain a cable, unassisted.  This is to say, when I hold the phone in portrait 
mode, perpendicular to the ground, any attached cable will fall out.  
        I am certain that I was the blame for this as I used to frequently roll 
onto the phone, when sleeping; very often tangling  the cable with tension for 
hours at a time.  (How's that for too much information? (smile)).
        My point, I am determined not to ruin the Lightening port on my 14.
        With that in mind, I am doing my best to wing myself from the wired Ear 
Pods in favor of Apple Air Pods.
        Even though I like Air Pods and they are definitely more convenient to 
use than the wired alternative, I still find myself reaching for the wired 
pair, more than anything else.
        I was just wondering how many of you have gone completely wireless 
having all but abandoned the wired Ear Pods?
        It is interesting because when I go to Best Buy, Target, Walmart, etc. 
I always see wired Ear Pods, with either the Lightening or audio connector, 
readily available.
        All replies appreciated.
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