Ivan, you continually take things out of context. 
I said at $100 it would be too much. But, according to an article posted on the Tech VI list f Perkins Institute, Voice Dream costs $60, which I said is worth it given its excellent features. Go fix your app and come back when you have it ready. 

Richard, USA.
“What we think or what we know or what we believe is in the end of little consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do” ~ John Ruskin
My web site: https://www.turner42.com

On Jul 7, 2023, at 4:31 PM, Ivan Icin <labsiiser...@gmail.com> wrote:

As there have been many comments, I can't reply to every message specifically, that would take this thread too far.

I don't accept the comments from people that haven't tried my app for at least a day and put random claims on it to support Richard. That is fair I believe.

Further I do understand that people that have paid 15$ few years ago aren't particularly motivated to switch to Speech Central, and I don't blame them for that. They don't need to pay anything to use Voice Dream Reader, they have got used to its design and that is OK. I just blame people that are robbing the community. It isn't illegal for Richard to hide that there are other apps than Voice Dream Reader (not even mention their name ever so that no one can check) and it isn't illegal to say that people must pay 100$/year to have a decent experience if they are blind. However that is a lie to rob the community in favor of Voice Dream Reader and I will call the things with proper words and stand for that, no matter what. I am not able evaluate his overall work and it certainly has some positive aspects and it is great if he has helped people, but this is a proper and precise wording if we talk about this specific situation.

My app is recommended all over the world now by many blind organizations and I get new mails almost daily for things like people asking to translate the app to their own language to support the blind community in their country. It must be a very bad app. Again I have never said that it is perfect and I am happy to receive criticism that is beyond bulling.

And it is easy to check how much Voice Dream Reader costs, even Richard has explicitly confirmed everything that I have said regarding that when it wasn't in short form (to be precise it is now usually 80$/year, but it can be 100$/year for some people). But if you prefer to live in the world where it costs 60$/year, I guess it is your own right to do so, but that tells quite a bit on everything.

Finally Richard claims that Voice Dream Reader costs too much now, I am willing to make for free to the blind people everything that they may need and improve my app that way, but he has pretty much put middle finger in his answer to me. And he still does that as far as I can say. If he decides to say that at least in some state he will recommend Speech Central as the best app and specify what is that, I will hold off my claim that he is a liar that robs the community and apologies for that. Until then I really don't have any indication that he is something else and I can't use any other words. Fair enough?
On Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 7:50:00 PM UTC+2 denni...@gmail.com wrote:
Ivan, you will get no brownie points with me attacking a list member who does a lot for the community is not very smart. More over the voicedream reader is only $60 a year not $100 a year so maybe you should get your facts correct. It is not wise to attack list members who do a lot for the community. You wonder why people don't recommend your product? This is why. As Alan said brush up on your people skills.

-----Original Message-----
From: vip...@googlegroups.com <vip...@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Alan Lemly
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 10:06 PM
To: vip...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Voice Dream Reader and Family sharing


I agree with Dulce. I suggest you spend more time with your app and on brushing up on your people skills which seem exceedingly lacking particularly where list posting is concerned.

Alan Lemly

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jul 5, 2023, at 7:40 PM, Dulce Muccio Weisenborn <dulcean...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Ivan,
> I have known Richard Turner for many years; he is a person of the highest integrity. His advice has been well reasoned and exemplary, so please refrain from attacking him; his experience is invaluable to many of us.
> Dulce
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ivan Icin <labsii...@gmail.com>
> Date: Wednesday, July 05, 2023 03:12 PM
> To: VIPhone <vip...@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: Re: Voice Dream Reader and Family sharing
> As you haven't dismissed anything that I've said I can tell only that it is
> even worse if you are not getting any money and you are doing that.
> And just for the record you are the man that at the start told that
> 60$/year will probably go lower over the time and now you are happy that it
> isn't 100$/year for everyone.
> If you have any suggestions on how to improve my app and help people here I
> am open to that and I'll try to implement anything that can help people
> here (clearly some bigger request may take quite a time). Otherwise we have
> finished, I don't see any points in discussing this further.
>> On Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at 11:53:33 PM UTC+2 Richard Turner wrote:
>> I do not get one penny from any apps. I recommend Voice Dream Reader
>> because it is the best at this moment and has been for a long time.
>> I mention other apps and point out that each person has to decide which
>> app meets their needs. I always have.
>> Richard, USA.
>> "Reality is the leading cause of stress for those who are in touch with
>> it." -- Jane Wagner from The Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe
>> My web site: https://www.turner42.com
>> *From:* vip...@googlegroups.com <vip...@googlegroups.com> *On Behalf Of *Ivan
>> Icin
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 5, 2023 2:35 PM
>> *To:* VIPhone <vip...@googlegroups.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: Voice Dream Reader and Family sharing
>> I must say I didn't expect that you will write something as this. Wow.
>> So your only argument is that I have made a spin that Voice Dream Reader
>> sells for 100$/year, while the reality is that they are selling only
>> sometimes at 100$ and mostly and 80$. Well that was a spin, but at the end
>> of the day it is not my fault that at the moment you need to write a book
>> to describe exact sales policy of Voice Dream Reader and I picked the price
>> that I prefer to say. Maybe you can ask your friend Winston on why he sold
>> Voice Dream to a company that is milking its users instead of blaming me?
>> Just for the record I did visit your website before. And you have never
>> ever recommended any competitor to Voice Dream Reader. Ever. Not even
>> mention in a bad way. And that seems to be for years. Should anyone believe
>> that it is a coincidence?
>> Again, I have put 10 years of work in this product. And you pretty much
>> question on whether it is worth of being installed for free while Winston's
>> 10 years are without any doubt worth 100$/year. I don't deny that in some
>> aspects Voice Dream may be better. But there are at least as many aspects
>> that Speech Central is better. Speech Central offers Microsoft neural
>> voices which are 10 years ahead of anything you have in Voice Dream. If you
>> are any kind of decent and honest expert you would put 5 minutes in setting
>> that up at least out of curiosity. If you are kind of decent and honest
>> expert you would say "I don't like this, can you fix it?". But you aren't.
>> You are just a salesman of Voice Dream, the app that asks 100$/year for
>> something that Speech Central offers for free.
>> Finally the main reason that you have dismissed my app is silly. You have
>> dismissed it because it doesn't announce the reading speed after changing
>> it! Many people prefer to be able to listen to the effect of the speed
>> change than to hear the voice that reads the speed and interferes with that
>> process. Another user here provided much more precise and valuable feedback
>> - the app doesn't provide any signal to VoiceOver users to speed changes
>> when it doesn't read. It is hard to imagine that this is worth 100$/year to
>> anyone, but it is a good observation and definitely a potential pain point.
>> I have fixed that today and it will be available in the next release. I
>> like people that provide constructive observations.
>> On Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at 6:09:15 PM UTC+2 Richard Turner wrote:
>> I am truly sick of your BS! If you think I have been only functioning as
>> a salesman for Voice Dream Reader you have read very few of my posts.
>> I recommend a ton of apps and give feedback on the ones I think are
>> valuable. That is the main reason for my web site as well.
>> I'm also on many other lists because they are more responsibly moderated.
>> You would have to read my posts from other lists to truly know what you
>> are talking about.
>> When I check the current price of Voice Dream Reader it is roughly $80 per
>> year and not $100. To assume from one post in a review that the price is
>> set at whatever that person claimed is irresponsible at best.
>> Richard, USA.
>> "Reality is the leading cause of stress for those who are in touch with
>> it." -- Jane Wagner from The Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe
>> My web site: https://www.turner42.com
>> *From:* vip...@googlegroups.com <vip...@googlegroups.com> *On Behalf Of *Ivan
>> Icin
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 5, 2023 8:12 AM
>> *To:* VIPhone <vip...@googlegroups.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: Voice Dream Reader and Family sharing
>> Finally as one user wanted to put my reputation in question when compared
>> to Richard's I would like to mention few facts that are easy to verify.
>> I have put 10 years of my life in building Speech Central. On top of that
>> I decided to give away Speech Central for free to this community (other
>> people have to pay for unlimited use). As such I don't earn a dime if any
>> of you use Speech Central, I only get a feeling that I helped somebody.
>> I haven't followed this group for all years, but I did for a few months
>> and all useful tips that I have seen from Richard were in the role of
>> salesman of an app that costs 100$/year. If you feel like that those few
>> posts were more worth than 10 years of my work that I gave away for free to
>> you, it is fine, I got used to that by now that some people act like that
>> just I have to point on the gross level of unfairness in that case.
>> I understand that my app is not perfect and I am willing to improve
>> everything, but I hope that there is a difference between someone who
>> spends his time in making a product that could be helpful to you and gives
>> you that for free and someone who is recently just making posts to justify
>> that the same app that cost 15$ for lifetime few years ago is now worth
>> 100$/year and should be paid that much. Again, I wouldn't mind if he said
>> that it is worth to consider that app at that price and that he prefers it,
>> that is fair, but he trashes my app in a mean and dishonest way. I can
>> document that "mean and dishonest" if it is required.
>> On Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at 11:50:12 AM UTC+2 Ivan Icin wrote:
>> Just to add that when I say to swipe up more than twice, it is because one
>> swipe raises speed ratio for 0.1x. Moving from 1.0x to 1.1x may not be
>> particularly notable but it certainly works.
>> On AppleVis forums I have implemented most of the suggestions within one
>> week from the suggestion, so I am open to suggestions, as said constructive
>> criticism is welcome. Just I am looking for people that actually want to
>> use the app, not the critics that just want to show their loyalty to Voice
>> Dream Reader by spending 1 minute in Speech Central saying what they didn't
>> like (frequently inaccurate) and never giving a chance to fix their
>> problems. I think that it is reasonable.
>> On Wednesday, July 5, 2023 at 11:38:59 AM UTC+2 Ivan Icin wrote:
>> First to Richard, no you were not clear in your answer that it works
>> properly on Voice Dream Reader. If that was clear I would answer
>> differently. However you can hear that even people here confirm here that
>> it works and assume that you simply didn't want to swipe more than twice to
>> hear that it is speeding up - or there is something extremely unique with
>> your device that no other user has. I agree that it would be better if
>> there was audio feedback on the speed value, so you would know that it is
>> speeding up and how much is speeding up.
>> To another user that said that he finds it frustrating that the app
>> doesn't do anything when it is not playing and speed is being adjusted, I
>> do agree that the experience could be better in this use case, as answered
>> to Richard audio feedback of what is happening would be an improvement, no
>> doubt.
>> You can always pay 100$/year if you want this to work slightly better, and
>> I don't say anything wrong to anyone who decides to do that. The reality is
>> that most people (and especially schools) won't do that and Speech Central
>> is currently the only path forward for this community. And you may put as
>> much stones as you like on me or you may be constructive and help it
>> improve so that future generations can have a good tool in education. Voice
>> Dream Reader isn't that anymore (even if we skip price most schools reject
>> every subscription based app for the simple reason that it doesn't fit in
>> Apple's software for school administrators) and it was their decision to
>> position them that way.
>> On Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 1:04:29 PM UTC+2 dlml...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Based on a partial reading of this thread, and mainly Ivan's comments to
>> Richard, I know better than to waste any time on Speech Central.
>> *From:* vip...@googlegroups.com <vip...@googlegroups.com> *On Behalf Of *Alan
>> Lemly
>> *Sent:* Saturday, June 24, 2023 9:07 PM
>> *To:* vip...@googlegroups.com
>> *Subject:* Re: Voice Dream Reader and Family sharing
>> Ivan,
>> Richard Turner has been posting helpful answers and advice on numerous
>> lists for many years. He is not the problem here. You should do a better
>> job of getting your facts straight and should refrain from attacking
>> someone publicly especially when your facts are wrong.
>> Alan Lemly
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 24, 2023, at 1:20 PM, Ivan Icin <labsii...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Richard,
>> personally I am disappointed that you present here as some sort of
>> community leader and you don't know even what are VoiceOver gestures. You
>> seem not even to know on how to use them in Voice Dream Reader.
>> Everything that I say is verifiable and everyone can check who is telling
>> the truth. Actually those features exist in Speech Central because one
>> blind user was using them in Voice Dream Reader and he has specifically
>> asked for them and I liked the idea. Everyone can check if this works even
>> in Voice Dream - set a VoiceOver focus on Audio Settings app and swipe up
>> and down and you will see that it changes the speed.
>> Anyway I still thank you for your effort and I appreciate it from that
>> point.
>> On Saturday, June 24, 2023 at 8:08:21 PM UTC+2 Richard Turner wrote:
>> You have no idea what you are talking about. You clearly are not
>> understanding what I am saying.
>> If you actually used VoiceOver everyday as I do, what I said would make
>> sense.
>> I'll simply stick with Voice Dream Reader.
>> Richard, USA.
>> "What we think or what we know or what we believe is in the end of little
>> consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do" ~ John Ruskin
>> My web site: https://www.turner42.com
>> On Jun 24, 2023, at 10:54 AM, Ivan Icin <labsii...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Richard,
>> I am not completely sure what you meant by this statement.
>> Thus far I know certainly that you can't access some adjustable controls
>> in my app on main screen (play button gestures and speed button gestures).
>> As far as I understand your description, you can't access any such
>> controls on your device whether they are in my app or in another app?
>> That would make sense, as speed is alternatively set by sliders in
>> settings, which are also adjustable system provided controls, which would
>> explain on why you couldn't set the speed from the very start in any way.
>> Further your description sounds like that you can't perform this action in
>> Voice Dream either. That Audio settings button in Voice Dream is not meant
>> just for displaying the speed as you have quoted, but rather for adjusting
>> the speed by VoiceOver swipe up and down gestures.
>> As such your reflection makes more sense now, but then your device is not
>> working properly (the only second option would be that you don't perform
>> this gestures properly which is much less likely).
>> If you can't use the system control called slider in an accessible way
>> like other VoiceOver users can, that is certainly a big problem that you
>> should fix not because of Speech Central but because it is a widely used
>> control and if it doesn't work many apps will become inaccessible for you
>> though they are actually accessible.
>> One more remark to this - I had a chat week or two ago with one local
>> blind user who has self-discovered those gestures and used them. So it
>> isn't that hard like one user here pointed out.
>> On Saturday, June 24, 2023 at 3:01:23 AM UTC+2 Richard Turner wrote:
>> It is over the button labeled Audio Settings and it tells you the number
>> of words per minute.
>> Richard, USA.
>> "What we think or what we know or what we believe is in the end of little
>> consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do" ~ John Ruskin
>> My web site: https://www.turner42.com
>> On Jun 23, 2023, at 5:20 PM, Ivan Icin <labsii...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Richard,
>> I have just tried and it works. For speed it may not be obvious as it will
>> just repeat the sentence at a bit higher or slower speed but with two or
>> three swipes the difference will be quite noticeable.
>> Voice Dream Reader has a similar VoiceOver adjustable gesture for speed (I
>> think that it is over their button that should be titled "Speech"). Can you
>> perform such a gesture there?
>> On Saturday, June 24, 2023 at 1:50:45 AM UTC+2 Richard Turner wrote:
>> Ivan,
>> I am using a 13 Pro. And flicking up or down on the speed button does only
>> switch between standard and high.
>> Flicking up or down on the play button doesn't seem to do anything.
>> I will revisit it again after reading the helps.
>> Richard, USA.
>> "What we think or what we know or what we believe is in the end of little
>> consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do" ~ John Ruskin
>> My web site: https://www.turner42.com
>> On Jun 23, 2023, at 4:14 PM, Ivan Icin <labsii...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> OK,
>> for the speed when that standard/high speed button is focused with
>> VoiceOver you should hear 'adjustable', which means that you can swipe up
>> and down to do something. In this case it is to increase the current speed
>> (this way you can customise the value of both standard and high speed
>> depending on the state of that button). This is also available in the
>> Settings where you can find sliders to customize those two values (and that
>> is the only way you can adjust those values for those that don't use
>> VoiceOver)
>> For the navigation the story is a bit more complex as this is a bit more
>> different than VDR, but in some way it may be even more capable. You need
>> to be aware of those layers:
>> - navigation is at the high level accommodated to be of maximal use with
>> headphones and other audio devices (there are tactile audio commands on all
>> Apple's headphones and most of the 3rd party ones). As such it is based on
>> multiple standard audio commands and some their gestures. As I side note I
>> find somewhat strange that people with eyesight to some extent prefer to
>> use the app with headphones while blind people that are not in any way
>> handicapped in using the headphones and are to some extent handicapped in
>> using the screen extremely prefer to use the screen and I don't have any
>> explanation for that - even as I have asked few blind people for the
>> feedback. However I try to support every use case the best it can be so the
>> app is certainly useful in that way too.
>> - every standard audio command (play/pause, skip forward, skip backword,
>> next, previous) and gesture (quick press of the volume up and then volume
>> down button or quick press of the volume down and then volume up button)
>> can be customised in the app's Settings to execute any of the commands that
>> you have mentioned (like going to the next paragraph, sentence, etc).
>> Assuming that you are using the screen and not the headphones one question
>> would be where to find / how to use those audio commands on the screen. So
>> here is a general overview:
>> - if VoiceOver is focused on the Play/Pause button you will hear that it
>> is 'adjustable'. In this context means that if you swipe up or down it will
>> issue audio command skip forward/backward
>> - Previous and next buttons are visible on the toolbar (and on the bigger
>> screens like iPads or landscape on bigger iPhones you will see also skip
>> forward and backward buttons
>> - If you use the screen you can certainly press the volume down and very
>> quickly volume up button (or opposite) to execute some navigation command
>> that you have set for those gestures
>> - Page indicator is adjustable control too, so you can swipe up or down
>> there to navigate pages (but this works only on PDFs, other formats don't
>> have built-in page definitions - at the moment I am not sure for DAISY as
>> it has that information but I can't remember if there is the logic to
>> extract it). This is visible on most modern devices, except on iPhone SE
>> variants
>> The app has a help document in the Extras tab, it is also available online
>> on this link: https://speechcentral.net/ios-help/
>> On Saturday, June 24, 2023 at 12:19:49 AM UTC+2 Richard Turner wrote:
>> Can you explain:
>> 1. How to adjust the speed on the fly while reading?
>> 2. How to navigate by sentence, paragraph, page, heading, or bookmark?
>> Is there an instruction guide? I will give it more time.
>> The only adjusting of the speed I can find is between standard and high
>> speed. Not terribly useful for me.
>> Richard, USA.
>> "Reality is the leading cause of stress for those who are in touch with
>> it." -- Jane Wagner from The Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe
>> My web site: https://www.turner42.com
>> *From:* vip...@googlegroups.com <vip...@googlegroups.com> *On Behalf Of *Ivan
>> Icin
>> *Sent:* Friday, June 23, 2023 2:25 PM
>> *To:* VIPhone <vip...@googlegroups.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: Voice Dream Reader and Family sharing
>> Richard,
>> First thanks for trying the app, I really appreciate it.
>> Second it is reasonable that you can be as proficient in few minutes as
>> the app that you were using for more than 10 years.
>> So if you say for the speed change, yes you can change the speed with
>> VoiceOver gestures from the main screen. As it is done from the speed
>> button I think it is fairly straightforward, though again it is reasonable
>> that some might not discover that in few minutes.
>> I haven't fully understand what way of navigating you wanted to make, but
>> preliminary I don't think that your explanation is correct in any use case.
>> As such I cannot underestimate your effort to try the app and even provide
>> some positive elements of feedback. Still my app has options to use Neural
>> voices that are like 10 years ahead of anything in Voice Dream Reader, many
>> other options that that app doesn't have and simply calling it a cheap
>> option for someone who doesn't have the money to pay doesn't sound right.
>> Again nothing wrong if you prefer Voice Dream Reader for whatever reason -
>> even if you just got used to it, but I don't find that statement as proper.
>> Just for the record I know multiple blind users that have switched from
>> Voice Dream Reader to Speech Central as they find it better for various
>> reasons even as they have already paid the license. Some are using both for
>> various use cases, as said there are many things that Voice Dream Reader
>> (or Speech Central if you look from another perspective) cannot do.
>> I can fully agree only on the limited Bookshare support though, but it
>> started with enthusiasm on both sides and ended few months later when those
>> people that approved my partnership left Bookshare and those that came
>> didn't even want to reply most of the time... As such it is still where it
>> was like 5 years ago and it certainly left some things to desire.
>> On Friday, June 23, 2023 at 10:32:54 PM UTC+2 Richard Turner wrote:
>> Ivan,
>> I just spent some time with Speech Central. To be completely honest, it is
>> rather clunky to find a book on Bookshare, but that could be lived with.
>> The fact that it cannot seem to navigate easily without having to stop and
>> use the navigation button is a drawback. Also, not being able to change the
>> reading speed on the fly.
>> But, for those who cannot afford Voice Dream Reader, I can see why you get
>> very good reviews.
>> Richard, USA.
>> "What we think or what we know or what we believe is in the end of little
>> consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do" ~ John Ruskin
>> My web site: https://www.turner42.com
>> On Jun 23, 2023, at 12:06 PM, Ivan Icin <labsii...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Richard,
>> Thanks for the question.
>> Just to note that there are also few other apps that are Bookshare
>> partners. I am aware of Capti Voice, but there should be some more I think.
>> Again every app has its pros and cons and I always encourage people to try
>> all of them and find the one that suits them the best. Especially in this
>> community as my work in this domain is completely non-profit and I don't
>> have any direct benefits if someone decides to use my app (and the only
>> indirect benefit is that I may get some more reviews on the App Store).
>> Speaking of that I am happy if someone decides to try my app Speech
>> Central
>> https://apps.apple.com/us/app/speech-central-voice-reader/id1127349155
>> On Friday, June 23, 2023 at 8:37:22 PM UTC+2 gera...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Volume-boosting capabilities would be awesome as well. Some audiobooks and
>> other MP3 material (especially series and films), don't have loud enough
>> volume.
>> Gera
>> Enviado desde mi iPhone SE (2nd Generation) de Telcel
>> El 23 jun 2023, a la(s) 11:14 a.m., leoba...@gmail.com escribió:
>> Richard, you said:
>> I would be fine if I had to start paying $59.99 per year.
>> I think it is by far the best reading app on the market today.
>> I agree with you, but if the were to be the case, I would also like to see
>> further improvements in the app, such as the ability to play M4B books,
>> and transferring books to the app via Web browser using a wifi connection.
>> These are characteristics that other similar apps already have.
>> Best,
>> Leo Bado
>> *From:* vip...@googlegroups.com <vip...@googlegroups.com> *On Behalf Of *Richard
>> Turner
>> *Sent:* Friday, June 23, 2023 11:01 AM
>> *To:* vip...@googlegroups.com
>> *Subject:* RE: Voice Dream Reader and Family sharing
>> I just wonder if that price was for the Mac version or the iOS version.
>> If for the iOS version, that is too high in my opinion.
>> I've let the owners know that.
>> I personally feel that $59.99 per year would be reasonable.
>> I have used the app since at least version 2 and have been a beta tester
>> for Winston Chen for at least 10 years and even though I purchased the app
>> at the one time purchase deal, I would be fine if I had to start paying
>> $59.99 per year.
>> I think it is by far the best reading app on the market today.
>> I am not impressed with Bookshare's new BookShare Reader app. Nor am I
>> very impressed with the DAISY Easy Reader app.
>> Later,
>> Richard, USA.
>> "Reality is the leading cause of stress for those who are in touch with
>> it." -- Jane Wagner from The Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe
>> My web site: https://www.turner42.com
>> *From:* vip...@googlegroups.com <vip...@googlegroups.com> *On Behalf Of *Ivan
>> Icin
>> *Sent:* Friday, June 23, 2023 9:49 AM
>> *To:* VIPhone <vip...@googlegroups.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: Voice Dream Reader and Family sharing
>> At this point I am not sure to what you refer to, but if you refer to
>> reviews they are on the iOS version of the app and they are very recent,
>> like just few days ago.
>> So at least some people were asked to pay 100$/year recently in the iOS
>> app.
>> On Friday, June 23, 2023 at 6:24:31 PM UTC+2 Richard Turner wrote:
>> Well, you are correct, of course. At least, mostly.
>> However, the subscription started while Winston Chen owned Voice Dream
>> Reader for the Mac computers only.
>> Winston was going to add the subscription to the iOS version, but he sold
>> the company before he did that.
>> So, the Applause group implemented the subscription model for all versions.
>> So, if someone was asked to pay $100 last year, that would likely have
>> been the Mac version.
>> At least, that is what I understand and I could of course be wrong.
>> HTH,
>> Richard, USA.
>> "Reality is the leading cause of stress for those who are in touch with
>> it." -- Jane Wagner from The Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe
>> My web site: https://www.turner42.com
>> *From:* vip...@googlegroups.com <vip...@googlegroups.com> *On Behalf Of *Ivan
>> Icin
>> *Sent:* Friday, June 23, 2023 8:56 AM
>> *To:* VIPhone <vip...@googlegroups.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: Voice Dream Reader and Family sharing
>> Looking at the web site it seems that I can read there what you sad that
>> is in the App Store too. So probably a week or two ago when I checked it
>> was different. It probably means that they have finally settled to that 80$
>> price point (it could be that they are still experimenting with non-US
>> markets or that those markets will take more time to update the listings
>> due to lower sales volume). You can read in the reviews that there are
>> people in the US that were asked to pay 99$/year, so certainly that price
>> was there very recently.
>> Anyway I did say that their most common price point was 80$ or 90$ (I
>> wasn't sure which one as that was from my mind), so what you said isn't
>> diametrically opposed to what I said.
>> On Friday, June 23, 2023 at 5:41:42 PM UTC+2 Ivan Icin wrote:
>> I think that I had that information from the website for the US App Store.
>> In my country the pricing is in EUR, so I don't think that I have looked
>> there, currently there are 6 annual subscriptions with prices 45-130 EUR.
>> On Friday, June 23, 2023 at 4:55:31 PM UTC+2 Richard Turner wrote:
>> I just checked in the app store and only found one price in the US: Annual
>> Subscription$79.99.
>> Also listed are the various voices you can purchase at $4.99 each.
>> What country are you in?
>> Richard, USA.
>> "Reality is the leading cause of stress for those who are in touch with
>> it." -- Jane Wagner from The Search for Intelligent Life in the Universe
>> My web site: https://www.turner42.com
>> *From:* vip...@googlegroups.com <vip...@googlegroups.com> *On Behalf Of *Ivan
>> Icin
>> *Sent:* Friday, June 23, 2023 1:42 AM
>> *To:* VIPhone <vip...@googlegroups.com>
>> *Subject:* Re: Voice Dream Reader and Family sharing
>> You have information on pricing in the App Store. Currently they are
>> experimenting with something like 5 price points. In general in such cases
>> developers randomly assign those to users to see what price points brings
>> the most money to them. As the App Store arranges those by the one that is
>> currently most frequently used, I think that their most likely price is
>> currently 80 or 90$/year. There is one higher price point than that and
>> several lower
>> So at the moment the app doesn't have a uniform price. But it seems that
>> you are much more likely to be charged close to 100$/year than 50$/year,
>> which is the overall range that they use.
>> On Friday, June 23, 2023 at 1:26:12 AM UTC+2 Richard Turner wrote:
>> Where did you get that price from?
>> That is much higher than had been announced.
>> Richard, USA.
>> "What we think or what we know or what we believe is in the end of little
>> consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do" ~ John Ruskin
>> My web site: https://www.turner42.com
>> On Jun 22, 2023, at 4:18 PM, Ivan Icin <labsii...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I had too many typos, so here is corrected version with few more words:
>> Voice Dream is now a free app, so from the aspect of Apple that acquired
>> license is now worth 0$. Also take that free with a bit of grain as it now
>> actually costs around 100$/year to be used, just it is free to download. If
>> you already own the license in general you don't need to pay the new price,
>> but the system isn't bulletproof as Apple doesn't support such a transition
>> and it it technically possible that some users might need to pay, though
>> that should be a very tiny ratio.
>> Other that that when it was a paid app Family Sharing was meant only for
>> in-app purchases, and this is Apple's policy for all paid apps.
>> On Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 8:45:39 PM UTC+2 Tim wrote:
>> That is a good question...:)
>> I had the same issue.
>> Tim
>>> On 6/22/23, leoba...@gmail.com <leoba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello. Someone I know is having issues with Voice Dream Reader and
>> family
>>> sharing. This person bought VDR time ago when it was acquired through
>>> one-time payment. However, now he wants to share VDR but a message pops
>> up
>>> saying that it is not possible. Is anyone having this issue?
>>> Best,
>>> Leo Bado
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