Sadly I haven't a solution but I can confirm that I've experienced this
also and you're right it's positively maddening and there seems to be no
rhyme, reason or pattern of causality to it.
I know that doesn't help and I'm sorry but you're not the only one.
Take good care,
On 10/22/2023 10:55 AM, Ryan Mann wrote:
I am running iOS 17.03 on an iPhone XR. For some text messages, I hear my text
tone and the message. For other messages, I don’t even hear the tone and the
only way I know about them is if I go into the messages app. There does not
seem to be any pattern of which messages I get notified about and which ones I
don’t. I do not have any focus on and Do Not Disturb is not on either. Why
would this be happening?
Ryan Mann
Certified Assistive Technology Instructional Specialist
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