When on the Home screen, I assume that the badge is the number of unread
Emails that are shown when "Mail" is highlighted. This number does not
change unless I open the Mail app.
For example:
On the Home screen, I highlight “mail” and hear:
Mail 0 unread Email
I leave the Iphone (on the Home screen) for an hour and then check (by
flicking back and forth) to hear that the number of unread Emails has
not changed. I know new mail was received in that hour.
There are 2 ways to confirm this.
Double tap Mail to open it and Immediately close the mail app to return
to the Home screen. Flick back & forth to highlight Mail. The number of
unread Emails has gon up.
Or, when the mail app is open, I highlight my_ISP account and hear that
there is a higher number of unread Emails than was reported on the Home
I even tried this test with the Mail app active but in the background.
If I leave the Iphone untouched (with the Mail app in the foreground)
for another hour, the account badge still gives the same number of
unread Emails.
Double tapping will open the account, and there is a list of even more
unread Emails.
Sometimes when opening the Mail app I hear:
Updated just now
Is the update done only when the Mail app is opened?
Why doesn’t the Home screen Mail badge number change automatically to
reflect new mail as they come in?
Is there a setting to force the Mail app badge to automatically update?
Peter T.
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